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HELP? Translating Portuguese to English: do you know of a good translation service?

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I have quite a few international customers (don't know quite how I got them) and usually Google translation does a good job. Lately though I have been getting an increasing amount of Portuguese customers & with this particular language it seems Google translation really struggles... it is quite hacky and very tough to communicate even the simplest of ideas.

Does anybody know of a good translation system for Portuguese language?

I feel bad I can't serve these people as smoothly as my other customers :matte-motes-impatient:

I would hire multi-lingual CSRs as this is obviously the optimal solution, but I can't afford that as I'm just an artist working from home.

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it struggles for the same reason that spellcheckers weitten for american english choke on UK english..... the local variations for brazil are just a bit too far off the mark for it.

if you know a little spanish or even a little latin (especially sentence order/structure)  you can often pick out the words that it's choking on and correct them enough to make it more understandable...

unfortunately I haven't found anything better either, so if you do, let us all know

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I know a very little Spanish, more of French but still not very much & some Latin root words I understand.

Spanish I have no trouble with translating! Occassionally I even know what they are saying without translating it & feel very proud :matte-motes-asleep-2:

I know what you mean being very similar to Spanish, but I guess I don't know enough to decode it or maybe I am just getting some of the more unusual dialects with lots of slang or something.

I've spent maybe two hours over the last two days in very mangled conversations and literally got a bad headache trying to muddle through. I felt more bad for them and luckily everybody was really patient & kind with me & I got things sorted out eventually.

They seem to like me a lot and say they are telling their friends about my business.... so I am expecting more of this in future. Very cool but kind of :matte-motes-stress: at the same time!

I've posted in the Portuguese forum here for help -- probably with a barely understandable god-awful translation again -- but maybe someone will share a good method with me!

If so I will definitely share it with everyone. I'll post in the merchant forum (and in this thread) if I find a good solution!

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I mention spanish because brazialian portugese has a bit more spanish influence in the idioms, and in general is a bit more structured like latin [actor, target, action]... it's latin based so all nouns are gendered, but the spelling variations for verbs mostly follow predictable patterns.... the spelling will drive you mad though trying to compare it to anything else (ok not as bad as welsh)

with google I still have to play mix and match with the suggested spellings, and play "what meaning <insert word>"

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meet them face to face an use a translator. I use the AF translator. I works pretty well. There is also a free one in sl but I forget the name. For me the hardest seems to german to english. The translators have a hard time with it. And yes there are a ton of people from Brazil in sl it seems.

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  • 7 months later...

Hello, i am a translator, and my main language is Portuguese! If you still need a translator, I would be glad to work with you! I am fluent at english, and of course, at Portuguese too, and made some translate jobs before! Just contact me inworld, and we can set an interview ! I hope to take 1 year to asnwer! Hehehehe


IM: SuperStar Faith

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