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Color change not working?

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Hello again, I've got my script somewhat to where I want but I have an issue now where it just won't change the color when listening on command /88


integer MAX_HEARTS = 4; // Maximum number of hearts
integer currentHearts = MAX_HEARTS; // Initial number of hearts
vector textColor = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>; // Initial text color (red)

// Function to update the health bar display
    string displayText = "";
    string hpText = "HP " + (string)currentHearts + "/" + (string)MAX_HEARTS + "\n"; // HP text
    integer i;
    // Check if hearts are all gone
    if (currentHearts <= 0)
        llSetText("BEWUSSTLOS", textColor, 1.5); // Change text color

    // Construct the display text with hearts
    for (i = 0; i < currentHearts; i++)
        displayText += "♥ "; // Add the heart symbol

    // Display the hearts as floating text above the object
    llSetText(hpText + "\n" + displayText, textColor, 1.5); // Change text color, display HP text and hearts

        // Display initial health bar
        // Listen for channel 88
        llListen(88, "", "", "");
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        // Reduce the number of hearts when clicked
        if (currentHearts > 0)
            // Update the displayed hearts
            llSetText("BEWUSSTLOS", textColor, 1.5); // Change text color

    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        // Check if the message is for color change and sender is the owner
        if (llGetSubString(message, 0, 0) == "/" && llGetOwner() == id)
            list parts = llParseString2List(message, ["<", ",", ">"], []);
            if (llGetListLength(parts) == 4)
                float r = (float)llList2String(parts, 1) / 255.0;
                float g = (float)llList2String(parts, 2) / 255.0;
                float b = (float)llList2String(parts, 3) / 255.0;
                textColor = <r, g, b>;
                updateHealthBar(); // Update the displayed health bar with the new text color
        else if (message == "PlusButtonClicked")
            if (currentHearts < MAX_HEARTS)
                // Update the displayed hearts
        else if (message == "MinusButtonClicked")
            if (currentHearts > 0)
                // Update the displayed hearts
        else if (message == "ResetButtonClicked")
            // Reset the health bar to max hearts
            currentHearts = MAX_HEARTS;
            // Update the displayed hearts


Hope someone can spot the issue. Thank you in advanced!

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I suggest when your code gets to the point where you are trying to change the color,  you use llSay() to output a debug message - and make sure the code reaches that point, etc.

For example:

        if (llGetSubString(message, 0, 0) == "/" && llGetOwner() == id)
            list parts = llParseString2List(message, ["<", ",", ">"], []);
            if (llGetListLength(parts) == 4)
                float r = (float)llList2String(parts, 1) / 255.0;
                float g = (float)llList2String(parts, 2) / 255.0;
                float b = (float)llList2String(parts, 3) / 255.0;
                textColor = <r, g, b>;
// Add some debug info here - show the code actually got  here and the new textColor value	
              	llSay(0, "Setting new textColor=" + (string)textColor); 
                updateHealthBar(); // Update the displayed health bar with the new text color


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