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Enter Pink Floyd's Animated Video Competition (2023)

beethros Karas

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Hello world(s)

Excuse my low English.

And Also excuse me for posting something almost  "out" of SL standards..
But, I thought that we the people of secondlife, would be the ones on the top of the competition!

Well, if I was young, I would wanted to be aware of this, so thats the reason I am posting about it, so to make sure all of our youngster animators will see it and create a life culture for the future generations.

We are all spending lots of time in SL and maybe some didnt catch to be aware of this opportunity.
Long Live Pink Floyd, Long Live SecondLife, Long Live Animation!

Here it is! JOIN it! and.. GOOD LUCK!


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4 hours ago, Ian Mercury said:

As a youngster I was a Pink Floyd fan. I heard the band several times live.
I remember there was a Pink Floyd sim in SL long time ago.
And there were tribute concerts in SL.

Yes! Me too :)
I was lucky enough to be able to watch them  back in the 1989 in a stadium with more than 100.000 people!
And as for the tributes! ...OMG!
THANK YOU for remind me to schedule an event with 2 hours of Pink Floyd Tribute! (yay)
Wait for it!

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