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Flip a Coin. Prim animation

Biran Gould

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I created a script, that lets the avatar flip a coin.
You can see a gif of it here https://gyazo.com/e75392a90d9419d76ee0453f46caba0c
Its a simple little thing, and i was happy with it.

Here's the function in my original script.

vector  hPos = <0.008243, 0.000406, -0.006726>;
vector  hRot = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>;

fMove(integer gohome) {
    if (gohome) {
        llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL, hPos, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEuler2Rot(hRot)]);
    else {
        list    p = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]);
        vector  pos = llList2Vector( p,0 );
        vector  mRot = llRot2Euler(llList2Rot( p,1 ));
        moved ++;
        if (moved < 30) {           pos.z += 0.01;
        } else if (moved > 60) {    moved = 0;  mRot.z = 0; 
        } else if (moved == 30) {   pos.z = hPos.z;
        } else {                    pos.z -= 0.01;      }
        mRot.x += 0.1;
        if (pos.z > hPos.z) {       pos.z = hPos.z;     }
        llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL, pos, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEuler2Rot(mRot)]);

Full source : https://pastebin.com/190Thxjm

The problem arrived, when i got a better animation.
Now the default rotation of the coin has changed, and i just can't seem to get it flipping end over end.

my second version, which has the following defaults

vector  hPos = <0.047370, -0.024816, 0.011251>;
vector  hRot = <0.0, 1.57080, 0.0>;

behaves like this https://gyazo.com/711bc5b5e44601b6e5a45bd9fe96bd72
full source https://pastebin.com/JXvwQyTX

any help would be appreciated! thank you!

Edited by Biran Gould
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You can actually do this with clever use of omegas and a sliced cylinder:

// 'coin flip' omega. link 2 prims and run the script once.
        float height = 0.25; // 1/4 the height actually.
        float diameter = 0.1;
        float speed = 2.5;
        [   PRIM_OMEGA,    <0,1,0>, speed, 1.0, // omega
            PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1,1,1>, 0.0,
        PRIM_LINK_TARGET, 2,
            PRIM_POS_LOCAL, <0,0,height>,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, <0,0,0,1>,
            PRIM_SIZE, <diameter,diameter,2*height>,
            // hole cut hollow twist   taper   sheer
                0, <0,1,0>,0.0,<0,0,0>,<1,1,0>,<0,0,0>,
            PRIM_SLICE, <0.98,1.0,0>,
            PRIM_OMEGA,    <0,1,0>, -2*speed, 1.0


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Your main problem seems to be you're trying to directly manipulate Eulers. TL;DR Don't do that, ever.

I had a play at it. . .

set_coin_at_time(float t)
    float TIME_FACTOR = 0.5; // # tosses per second.
    float HEIGHT_MAX = 0.5;
    float N_FLIPS = 2.0; // can make negative to flip other direction.
    float FLIP_PHASE = 0.0; // if not flat in the hand, change this between 0 and 1.
    integer LINK_NUMBER = 2;
    t = TIME_FACTOR*t; // normalize time slower or faster.
    t = t-(integer)t; // restrict t to range [0,1)
    float height = HEIGHT_MAX*(1-(4*(t-.5)*(t-.5))); // parabolic arc with zeros at 0 and 1.
    float angle = (t+FLIP_PHASE)*TWO_PI;
    // x-axis rotation. for y or z axis, swap the llSin() with one of the 0's. 
    rotation rot = <llSin(0.5*angle),0,0,llCos(0.5*angle)>;
    [   PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, rot, PRIM_POS_LOCAL, <0,0,height>
{   state_entry()
    {   llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");
    {   set_coin_at_time(llGetTime());


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