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Second Life Endowment for the Arts is Open

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Second Life Endowment for the Arts (SLEA) is open. Like LEA, it provides multiple regions of space for artists to display their work. The region schedule currently shows the regions being assigned to artists for a two- to three-month period; although one of the regions seems to be allowing individual artists one week slots. 

Note: right now if you click the SL Map for SLEA 7 'landing hub' you will end up in the water. Try http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLEA7/29/31/55, or aim for the center of the blue circle in the lower left corner of SLEA7. You can get a hud there, and there are teleports nearby to take you to some of the smaller displays around SLEA7. Don't miss the wonderful Bridge Project!

Right now there are art displays in three regions, and the last one is due to be finished by the end of January. 

I recommend visiting it.



Edited by Rufferta
Clumsy typing.
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