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I'm looking for a house/apartment to rent in a city


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I'm sorry if it's the wrong category, I'm kinda confused with them but I guess it's the right one for this

I really want to rent a house or apartment for a cheap price and it would be really cool if it was in a city. Currently I live in one but it's so much lag that is hard to walk, so if it's laggy that's ok but it would be cool if it was a little less than the one I live in. If you guys know somewhere please recommend me, I really appreciate any help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Tox1cFurry!

Try this area: Fenfarg protected road from Egon's Estate

520/w - 527prims - 1536sqm
- (a) adult rated
- protected road
- Nice house with the most needed furnishings.

It's not a town, of course, but there's a big road and a few buildings nearby. This has a nice effect on reducing lags.

If this one doesn't suit you, you can check out the others in Egon's Estate inworld store: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/All Saints Bay/104/37/22

If you have questions, you can contact Egon Takeda, the owner of the property, or me. At the entrance of the store there is a booth with the contacts of the real estate agency employees.

With sincere respect, Enk   secondlife:///app/agent/cdc06070-0a21-4169-8edd-3aa13645f89f/about

Edited by dingor
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