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Need emergeny help, cannot understand this

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8 hours ago, childhoodbestfriend489 said:

Cannot login and I got the solution of my problem. But I cannot work according to the instruction. I need help to understand.


The knowledge base article you linked to covers several different types of anti-virus/firewall issues, so it will be difficult for someone here to provide more specific information without knowing more about your situation and what you think is the cause of your problem logging in. 

Which anti-virus software do you use?  Have you looked at the information provided by the software vendor to find out how to "white-list" an application or remove an application or directory from being scanned?

Are you on a type of closed network that requires you to use a proxy for other applications, such as web browsers?  From a quick scan of the linked article, I would imagine that you don't need to worry about the proxy part unless that is something that you already have to do for other applications on your system. 

Which viewer are you using, how far into the login process do you get, and are you using a wireless connection or an ethernet cable connection to your modem/router?

Other information that is helpful is to copy and paste here the information from the viewer's "Help" -> "About <viewer name>" window.  You can do this prior to trying to log in, so as long as the viewer application opens and displays, you should be able to access that information.  When the "About <viewer name>" window opens, there is a "copy to clipboard" button on it - that makes it easy to copy all the info and then paste it in a comment here. 

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