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Next Level Timed Demos

Lillith Hapmouche

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This might have worked as an addition to the thread https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/459047-sellers-you-are-losing-sales-because-of-timed-demos/ , but since it has been inactive for quite a while...

A shop that shall remain unnamed gave away a L$ 1000 giftcard for Christmas, in other words: a perfect opportunity to stock up on clothing for various alts.

Just that:


Visible countdown and auto-vanishing plus additional demo textures on various mediocre template items.

Giftcards and demos went to trash. Too tacky for my taste, even for free. 🙄


Please take note: this is definitely NOT Exile. The character just happened to wear a perfectly fine hair demo and the logo was in sight.

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