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Seeking Employment: Real Estate / Hosting / Events Co-Ordinator / Interior Designer & More...

richard Castillo

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Hi everyone,

With an account age of 12 years and 9 months, there is very little on SL I haven't experienced. Throughout the years I have worked as a host for many clubs/skilled gaming regions, I have managed RP sims & land rentals, owned my own rentals, been responsible for co-ordinating tons of events, and also have quite the inventory for interior designing.

I have been on and off SL over the past couple of years, but since the pandemic I have found myself spending an increasing amount of time on the game. I'm currently working from home for the forseeable future, so I have a lot of free time to dedicate to some SL employment.

I'm an extremely outgoing and adaptable guy, so I'm not sure there is much that I can't be taught or refreshed on. So please send me a message InWorld if you are seeking any sort of paid employee.

Thanks & Happy New Year!

Richard Castillo

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