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about my firestorm.


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 hello my name is Taycii so i use firestom and my firestorm is blue is there a way you guys can help me with my firestorm ? or what do i have to do i just clicked it to logo n and it was blue and everything on firestorm is blue how do i get it to back to orange ?. i have restalled and unstalled it over a thoundsand times. 

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55 minutes ago, Taycii said:

 hello my name is Taycii so i use firestom and my firestorm is blue is there a way you guys can help me with my firestorm ? or what do i have to do i just clicked it to logo n and it was blue and everything on firestorm is blue how do i get it to back to orange ?. i have restalled and unstalled it over a thoundsand times. 


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