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Fail to list items on Marketplace issue


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So it's been almost 3 weeks since LL sent my issue report to the technicians (25.11.) and a week ago they refered to it on their status page. "Identified - We've identified the issue and a fix is in progress." 

Ok. so maybe there are other SL users who been troubled by the same problem and know of a fix. At least knows what the cause of it is. 

Gyazo here is showing what happens when I try register an item in MP : Firestorm-Releasex64 - UndercoveragentLevy (gyazo.com)

Getting this "The folder name failed to load. Refresh the paige to try again". 

If someone had this issue and did manage to fix it, please let me know what you had to do to get it work again. TY!

BTW happens in extern browser tooo.

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