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Dorky Geek Seeking Friendship With HiVE MInDEd i mean.. Nice People :O

Tokyo Enyo

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I jokingly say hive minded, because I'm happy to make friends with anyone and everyone.  
While it's nice to have something in common, it's always nice to find something new to learn and experience!

I am sometimes anti-social, so literally if I don't message you for days.. it's not because i don't like you it's because i'm either doing things or not online.

I play FFXIV a lot so i'm not always on, but i'm happy to hook up and chat outside of SL on discord as well as in SL :) 

I'm an amateur music producer, i'm also an illustrator and graphic designer.

I just recently shut my in world store down because it was not SPARKING JOY!

I have two avatars Tokyo Enyo / Starlordx1983.

And if you actually know me from yoinks ago then you'll maybe remember my very first? Reiko Fimicoloud .
I have other avatars but Tokyo and Starlord are my mains :D

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