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Child avatars & Jobs


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Hi everyone! i'm hoping someone can clarify a question for me. I have read TOS on child avatars but the employer wants to be sure.

Question: Can a child  avatar work on a Mature rated sim as a Host in a country club?

The club is family oriented and allows children to go there and enjoy the country music.

There is No sexual or misconduct on the sim.

Edited by kasseymarie
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  • kasseymarie changed the title to Child avatars & Jobs

As we are all here as fellow residents, I’m  not sure that here is the best way to seek exact clarification. My understanding has always been that child avatars are technically allowed on any region, but should NEVER be involved in anything sexual (for obvious moral reasons). 

There are plenty of “kids clubs” and events with families involved in which I’ve seen child avatars host and DJ alike. As long as the behavior in your club isn’t anything questionable and doesn’t toe the line of discomfort, I can’t see how there should be any SL TOS issues. That being said, many folks in SL are still wary of child avatars and it is possible that the avatar in question might face judgement from potential guests and the club owner might face issues from potential guests. As long as all parties involved are prepared for the potentials - again, I don’t see why there would be an issue. 

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