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Adding Billing information question.

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Hi, I've finally decided to come back and give SL a chance again. I've seen some features I never knew before like you can import your own models and stuff and that's actually really cool.

Me, I am learning to be a game dev as a hobby, so I have alot of simple models I want to see if I can upload into the game. but it tells me I don't have the rights and says I need to add my billing infomation. Now, will I be charged? or how does this work? does it just need to be added??

Plus I also would like to play games like at the game destinations but it doesn't let me access. Is the only for premium members? sorry for all the questions. 

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12 minutes ago, FreshPrince Oskar said:

Hi, I've finally decided to come back and give SL a chance again. I've seen some features I never knew before like you can import your own models and stuff and that's actually really cool.

Me, I am learning to be a game dev as a hobby, so I have alot of simple models I want to see if I can upload into the game. but it tells me I don't have the rights and says I need to add my billing infomation. Now, will I be charged? or how does this work? does it just need to be added??

Plus I also would like to play games like at the game destinations but it doesn't let me access. Is the only for premium members? sorry for all the questions. 

You will be charged for uploading mesh items, just like you are charged for uploading textures, animations, etc...  The fee for uploading mesh depends on how heavy the mesh is - a minimum of 10 L$ though.  You also have to agree to the IP Terms.

Go to this page:  https://secondlife.com/my/account/ip

Note that you can request access to the Beta grid and upload things for free there, but those items won't be accessible in the normal grid.


As to the gaming locations, most regions will require that you have payment info on file and you'll also only be allowed there if your state/country allows for online gaming. Additionally, some locations will also require your account to be at least 30 days old.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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