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1/3 Homestead for just $2400/wk - Donate 1024 Tier for $700/wk Discount

Prokofy Neva

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Belarus is a unique homestead with the landscaping and builds of the RL country Belarus. The seasons change and currently it is autumn.

Teleport to Belarus

The sim is divided in 3.

You pay just the cost of your share of the grandfathered tier, $2400/wk or with 10% discount $8,640/month. You can pay on PayPal (at current rates, US $9.60 a week or US $34.56 a month).

If you have a premium account and tier available, you can put in 512 for a $350/wk discount or 1024 for $700/wk discount.

You join our group (IM Prokofy Neva for an invitation) and get all the powers you are used to -- ban, media, set landing, change parcel, terraform, invite, kick, etc. As the group is closed you can put your land on group-only if you wish.

The sim has just one other tenant and a quiet site in the SL Public Land Preserve called Whispering Witches about the women shamans of Eastern Europe.

Skyboxes are allowed at 500 m and above and security is allowed only in skyboxes. Pets are also welcome but not a breeding barn with large numbers.



Edited by Prokofy Neva
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