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The Ghost Lion is looking for DJ and HOST


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Do you thrive to be part of more that a staff crew? You are looking to be accepted for who you are, respected for how you do and loved for what you can do? Here at the Ghost Lion we have all of that to offer to you!

We do not hire or recruit employee, we adopt a member in our family and we are very understanding and caring of you. Our vision is to bring into SL an environment of relaxation and enjoyment of life. We do not make stressed out member!

The current schedule is mostly going around 4AM-2PM SLT but we're planning on being 24/7 so please speak your mind and let us know all of your availability! 

We're looking for any type of personality, any kind person that loves to be in a family as much as working for the passion of the profession! We welcome any Avatars as long it is not showing any private areas...

Come to us if you are furry! Alien or Neko, monster or human!

We do not have time to waste with the bad time. We are looking for a loving and caring family that walk toward a better tomorrow for all of us!

Come visit us at many locations that your set can be held!

On the waterfloor

By the Stage

Our Ballroom

The Opperfloor

If you re interest with more than a job IM Xeno or xenoqc resident!

Edited by xenoqc
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