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load Access list from other prim

sndbad Ghost

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hello friends 

i trying load Access list  from NoteCard 

i did script and all works good the problem in user in list not work except first avatar i hope to understand and fix it i have 4 days try to fix that 


this master script is 

integer COMM_CHANNEL = 7805060;
integer Serial = 1;
integer NOT_FOUND = -1; string config_notecard_name = "access"; integer config_line_current = 0; key config_data_request;
list AccessList = [];
list glTextures = [];
string data;



       llSay(0, "Checking for Access Notecard.... must be named \'" + config_notecard_name +"\'.");
       if ( llGetInventoryType(config_notecard_name) != NOT_FOUND )
           //config notecard found... process it
           llSay(0, "Reading access notecard...");
           AccessList = [];
           config_line_current = 0;
           config_data_request = llGetNotecardLine(config_notecard_name,config_line_current);

           llSay(0, "Access notecard not found, must be named \'" + config_notecard_name +"\'.");
   on_rez(integer start_param)
   changed(integer change)
       if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
           llSay(0, "Checking for Access Notecard.... must be named \'" + config_notecard_name +"\'.");
           if ( llGetInventoryType(config_notecard_name) != NOT_FOUND )
               //config notecard found... process it
               llSay(0, "Reading access notecard...");
               AccessList = [];
               config_line_current = 0;
               config_data_request = llGetNotecardLine(config_notecard_name,config_line_current);

               llSay(0, "Access notecard not found, must be named \'" + config_notecard_name +"\'.");
   touch_start(integer total_number)
llOwnerSay((string)AccessList );
 list glTextures = ["test1",(string)AccessList]; 
  llSay( COMM_CHANNEL+Serial,llDumpList2String(glTextures, "|")); 

   dataserver(key queryid, string data)
       if (config_data_request == queryid && data != EOF)
           AccessList = AccessList + [data]+" ";
           config_data_request = llGetNotecardLine(config_notecard_name,config_line_current);

           llSay(0,"Access notecard read.");



Client script is 

integer NOT_FOUND = -1;
integer COMM_CHANNEL = 7805060;
integer Serial = 1;

list AccessList = [];

        llListen(COMM_CHANNEL+Serial, "","","");
       touch_start(integer total_number)
       integer x;
       for (x = 0; x < total_number; x++)
           if( llListFindList(AccessList, [llDetectedName(x)]) != NOT_FOUND )
    listen(integer Channel, string Name, key ID, string Text)

                     list lT = llParseString2List(Text, ["|"], []); 
                    AccessList = llCSV2List(llList2String(lT,1));
      //   llOwnerSay((string)AccessList);





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I think the problem is to do with how you're building the message in the first script and then turning it back into a list in the second one.   You're also adding a lot of empty spaces to the list, in the dataserver event, which can't help.

In the first script,  in the dataserver, instead of AccessList = AccessList + [data]+" ";  simply have

if(llStringTrim(data,STRING_TRIM){//if the line, stripped of non-printing characters like carriage returns, contains any text
	AccessList +=[data];

then, when you send the list to the second script in the touch_start event, simply have

llSay( COMM_CHANNEL+Serial,"Test 1|"+llDumpList2String(AccessList, "|")); 

Finally, in the listen event in the second script, turn the message back into a list thus

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){
	AccessList = llParseString2List(message,["|"],[]);

That should fix it.

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    dataserver (key request_id, string data)
        integer index = llSubStringIndex (data, "//"); //find "//" in the notecard line
        if (index != -1) data = llDeleteSubString (data, index, -1); //if there is an "//", remove it and everything else to the end of the line
        data = llStringTrim (data, STRING_TRIM); //clean up any white space that's left on the line
        if (data != "") //if there's anything left, deal with it
            //do something

This code snippet will, I think, remove comments from a notecard line (either the whole line if it starts with "//" or the end of the line where a comment is added to the end of the data) before you process it.

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@sndbad Ghost  Glad you were able to get it working!  Well done!   This is how I write dataserver events, but it's simply an alternative to KT's method:

	dataserver(key requested, string data)
		if(requested == kQuery){
			if(EOF != data){
						lList +=[data];
				kQuery = llGetNotecardLine(strNotecard,++iCounter);
			else{//reached end of notecard
				llOwnerSay("Finished reading the notecard");


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