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Annoyance for Bloggers in Latest Version of Viewer

Prokofy Neva

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There's a new annoyance in the latest edition of the viewer, I don't know why this was inserted. It likely happened accidently as a correlation of something else, but who knows, maybe it was done deliberately without thinking of the consequences, for some arcane reason.

Before, when you took a picture and blogged from SL using social media or email (which also feeds to some blog systems), you could come in and out of the Snapshot box without a problem -- for example to get a copy of the SLURL of your location to add, since these no longer automatically generate as they used to some time ago.

You could also do things like snag the object description of the product you were blogging about, or get the name of a creator or speaker or highlight whatever else you were blogging about.

Now that is impossible.

When you try to "come out of the box," you get a "plus sign" that just doesn't allow you to click on the World Map or any other thing. You are thus trapped into that box, and left with either cancelling your photo, which may have been unique, or blogging it incompletely, and having to follow up later. HUGELY annoying. This so destroys workflow for those who do this a hundred times a day I'm surprised there aren't more complaints.

Yes, you could plan to first capture the SLURL, and the land description, or the product name or whatever you need, and stack it all up in a Notepad on your desktop, for example, or somewhere outside of SL, and then hope that the paste bug in Word won't defeat you and you can get it all pasted into the Snapshot text box to blog. But it's not always possible to do that when you are blogging a live event, or flying around from sale to sale. And why should you? It didn't used to work this way.

This is an example of the kind of thing that happens when people working on the viewer just aren't like many large categories of users themselves, don't care about basic issues (like why you can't instantly find your classified ads *you paid for* on your avatar profile as you can "picks," but instead have to start and stop a new classified to view the old ones -- really, that's a disgrace. Sure, someone may come along and tell me some other way to do this. But you'll be forced to agree that it is not as fast and intuitive as Picks is, which is "right there" unlike "Classifieds," although they are on your same avatar profile.

Why do these annoyances happen? I think people working on the viewer are preoccupied about the code itself, and various arcane issues that flow from that, and don't think about uses, even in abstract "use case" list. They don't likely blog, for one obvious thing, concerning this particular new annoyance. They may have classified ads for their weapons or scripting businesses, but maybe they don't have a lot of them and have to change them frequently, which is when the lack of easy access begins to bite.

No, I cannot file this on the JIRA as I am banned from there for pointing out another annoyance, the fact that "share" enables return of group set objects and overrides the unchecking of that power in group rights.


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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Yes, it was checked.

So thanks, I unchecked it, and now this problem is gone!

But I never even heard of it before or saw it, much less checked it. Obviously if I knew it "freezed the frame" I wouldn't check it.

So is this now the default? I don't see how it could be. How could it be checked?

The only thing I ever have checked is "disable camera constraints".

My point overall still stands, despite the removal of THIS annoyance as there are so many others.

Care to work on "Classifieds" issue?


PS Dare I ask why "freeze frame" has to free EVERYTHING ON THE VIEWER not just the picture?

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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30 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

So is this now the default? I don't see how it could be. How could it be checked?

Nope, the default is freeze frame disabled.
Sometimes viewer settings can mysteriously flip, I have no idea why.

What's the "Classifieds issue"?


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Oh ooops sorry.  Didn't read down that far  ;)

1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

...like why you can't instantly find your classified ads *you paid for* on your avatar profile as you can "picks," but instead have to start and stop a new classified to view the old ones -- really, that's a disgrace. Sure, someone may come along and tell me some other way to do this. But you'll be forced to agree that it is not as fast and intuitive as Picks is, which is "right there" unlike "Classifieds," although they are on your same avatar profile.


Yeah I agree with you.
Firestorm viewer still lists your Classified ads on the legacy profile and anyone looking at your profile will see them.

On the LL viewer, you can bring your classified up from Top menu bar -> Avatar -> Picks



Only you can see your classifieds here of course.
Your classifieds do not display to anyone looking at your web profile.

On Firestorm, I can see all your classifieds when I look at your profile.




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Thanks. I don't care about Firestorm which I refuse to use. The regular SL viewer should also make classifieds not only viewable to everyone on your profile like on Picks, and not only vieweable to those who click through from the Classified ad itself. 

I don't see any menu called "Avatar" that leads to picks.

But there's "Me" that has "Picks" as an option in the list. Who knew?! I never noticed that. There is such a welter of stuff, that it just doesn't "surface".

But then you'd "just have to know" that doing THAT will then yield "Classifieds" under an arrow if you scroll down.

What would be wrong with simply having Me/Classifieds?

I think this is part of the allergy to commerce generally prevalent in the geek squad and those coding the viewer. You would think that as LL has to sell Classifieds, as a money sink if nothing else, they'd be more motivated to make it easier to get to them and do them.


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10 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I don't see any menu called "Avatar" that leads to picks.

But there's "Me" that has "Picks" as an option in the list. Who knew?! I never noticed that. There is such a welter of stuff, that it just doesn't "surface".


OOoops yes, On the LL viewer it's Me -> Picks.

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