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We certainly pissed him off!

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As many of you have noticed, the Spammer has gone absolutely nuts today, spamming over and over again, repeatedly plastering his crap over every forum he can reach.

Now .. wanna hear the good news?

This is the phase known as "Thrashing". His attacks are failing, his income from naive and gullible SL Residents is dropping to nothing, and the Mods are thwarting him daily. He's panicking.

So grit your teeth, this phase won't last much longer .. then he will move along and find someone else to "grief".

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

if only it were that simple.

it costs nothing to spam.

spammers 1 / SL 0  / gullible SL members  - US$

a clear winner folks,

they are the borg....


Actually it does "cost" him something .. time and frustration. He's had to adapt his spamming to overcome the safeguards the mods have put in place. Each tweak costs time and frustration. He's not a "sweat shop" worker either, clearly he's got "skillz" so his time is worth something. He's also human and before long the exasperation level will exceed the income returned for his efforts.

The Mods get paid for blocking him. The LL techs get paid for blocking him. Each time they do, his income goes down. The two trends are opposites, and as LL's line goes up (total spent blocking him), his line goes down (income from spamming). He'll figure it out soon and move along. It's basic math and human psychology.

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"ResMods" is something that's been suggested many times ... especially when it comes to removing posts like we're seeing. But to date, LL has been resistant to that idea, preferring instead to pay salaries (or hourly wages?) to have it done instead.

But .. the CTUG (Community Tools User Group) meeting is today. You can put that idea on the agenda and then attend the meeting to see that it gets discussed.

Community Tools User Group Wiki Page

ETA: I'm personally in favor of ResMods .. especially if the penalty for abusing their power is revocation of their Rank and (depending on the severity of their abuse) a temporary ban.

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

its evidently worth his time.

and thats the psychology, he will do it until its not worth it anymore.

seems it still is.

it only takes a maggot to catch a fish... 


LOL @ maggot ... I like dat!

Ever studied a bully .. how they get right before they crumble and slink off defeated? They amp their bluster to the roof, in hopes the noise scares off the challenger. But if you just stand your ground, don't flinch and let them blow their steam .. they lose and leave.

He (the scammer spammer) is bellowing at the top of his lungs. Trying to "prove" how much better he is. Except it ain't working! LOL Instead we're just all laughing at him and thumbing our noses.

So keep on smiling, lets stand our ground .. and watch him burn out and crater. Don't forget the popcorn .. cuz this is gonna be hilarious when he plows into the ground full speed.

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

then its an ideal time with some members being awarded helper tags etc.

meanwhile im sure gullible SL members still fall for this and SL aren't stopping it effectively.


Possibly. When you see one message, it seems plausible even to the most naive. But when you see a FLOOD of the same messages, over and over .. even the most naive back up going "Whoa .. WTH!"

But yeah .. I agree .. ResMods do make good sense as long as this sort of attack goes on. (Of course, the other question is .. can Lithium grant the power to pull threads and block users without also exposing private info and other sensitive stuff that non-LL employees are not allowed to see?)

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

As many of you have noticed, the Spammer has gone absolutely nuts today, spamming over and over again, repeatedly plastering his crap over every forum he can reach.

Now .. wanna hear the good news?

This is the phase known as "Thrashing". His attacks are failing, his income from naive and gullible SL Residents is dropping to nothing, and the Mods are thwarting him daily. He's panicking.

So grit your teeth, this phase won't last much longer .. then he will move along and find someone else to "grief".

LOL I know you are not that naive as the SW he uses takes minutes to program and google picks up and caches the thread so as the attacks continue there is lots of stored data out there with spammers website for future punters to be scammed from. They are from the same stable as the last one and imho it will not stop until ll make it impossible for them to post here but after the last floods I won't hold my breath and I have given up on fighting them as ll will not go for site nukes as was shown with the last one ;)


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Lord Sullivan wrote:

LOL I know you are not that naive as the SW he uses takes minutes to program and google picks up and caches the thread so as the attacks continue there is lots of stored data out there with spammers website for future punters to be scammed from. They are from the same stable as the last one and imho it will not stop until ll make it impossible for them to post here but after the last floods I won't hold my breath and I have given up on fighting them as ll will not go for site nukes as was shown with the last one


Well, we've seen him go from simple UTF replacements to complex spacing and text games .. and now image spam. Each adjustment is not as easy as some would think. Each "pattern" that he burns is one more he cannot use again. Not to mention that if he chooses a new "pattern", there's the chance it will be immediately blocked by the spam filters the techs have already put in place. Also remember that with image spam, he gets less and less "weight" in Google AND their anti-spam algorithms spot and downrank or remove repetitious forum posts like he uses.

I may be wrong, but based on my past experience with spammers like this .. what we're seeing is the end-stage temper tantrum. (Which btw is also self-defeating as it absolutely triggers both the anti-spam detection in search engines AND the self-protection instinct that most netizens develop.)

Will he go away and stop his criminal activities? Oh heck no. But he works on the knowledge that new sites spring up all the time, and each one is "fresh soil" for him to plant his weeds in. This field though ... the soil is about played out and he's not reaping the crop he had at the beginning.

*shrugs* Time will tell.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Lord Sullivan wrote:

LOL I know you are not that naive as the SW he uses takes minutes to program and google picks up and caches the thread so as the attacks continue there is lots of stored data out there with spammers website for future punters to be scammed from. They are from the same stable as the last one and imho it will not stop until ll make it impossible for them to post here but after the last floods I won't hold my breath and I have given up on fighting them as ll will not go for site nukes as was shown with the last one


Well, we've seen him go from simple UTF replacements to complex spacing and text games .. and now image spam. Each adjustment is not as easy as some would think. Each "pattern" that he burns is one more he cannot use again. Not to mention that if he chooses a new "pattern", there's the chance it will be immediately blocked by the spam filters the techs have already put in place. Also remember that with image spam, he gets less and less "weight" in Google AND their anti-spam algorithms spot and downrank or remove repetitious forum posts like he uses.

I may be wrong, but based on my past experience with spammers like this .. what we're seeing is the end-stage temper tantrum. (Which btw is also self-defeating as it absolutely triggers both the anti-spam detection in search engines AND the self-protection instinct that most netizens develop.)

Will he go away and stop his criminal activities? Oh heck no. But he works on the knowledge that new sites spring up all the time, and each one is "fresh soil" for him to plant his weeds in. This field though ... the soil is about played out and he's not reaping the crop he had at the beginning.

*shrugs* Time will tell.

I do hope that you are right, though tbh I spend less time here now than ever before, I can't be bothered with all this rating crap and seemingly heavy handed mds and I am not going to risk my account to have a discussion here to find out I have upset a mod and been suspended especially after dear old kat linden suspended me and a few others for a bad reason a few years ago, though I did get an apology I doubt that would happen nowadays with this new only say nice things about ll lithium software lol Anyways summer is on its way so RL is suddenly so much more important, but I do lurk a bit when I have time :)


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Wait .. what?? They still have that "Reality" thing out there? OMFG! And .. and .. it's SAFE to go out in it? *chuckles*

(Pssst ... they've backed way off on the "Iron Fist" moderation. There's still limits of course, but they've stopped the draconian practice of yanking the basic "Ranting at LL" posts. It honestly has gotten better. Now, if they'd just give us a private "Adults Only, No Mods" Forum ... oooh boy .. THEN we can have us some FUN! LOL)

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

he posted 30 minutes ago and his posts are still here.

the mods just can't handle it and the spammer doesnt care, its about money dude, not temper.

its not a war. its cold hard cash.

Yep in the same way the pill spammers send out hundreds of thousands of emails a day for maybe just one or 2 bites and at least this spammer its just pure profit as they don't deliver anything and ll never chase them so its a win win for the spammer as ll allows the fraud to continue with no comeback to the perp. Just my opinion though :)


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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Wait .. what?? They still have that "Reality" thing out there? OMFG! And .. and .. it's SAFE to go out in it? *chuckles*

(Pssst ... they've backed way off on the "Iron Fist" moderation. There's still limits of course, but they've stopped the draconian practice of yanking the basic "Ranting at LL" posts. It honestly has gotten better. Now, if they'd just give us a private "Adults Only, No Mods" Forum ... oooh boy .. THEN we can have us some FUN! LOL)


LOL yeah and its safe enough to venture out :) I got 2 weeks holiday atm yay hope Nokia Siemens can do without me for a couple of weeks LMAO but Consie has a list of jobs for me to do though Grrrr

Maybe I will lurk a bit then and post in the non rating/kudos forums and enjoy my new 56/58meg Fibrefast unlimited low cost internet connection, it should have been 60 but I get the slower speeds lol and uploading is slow only 7 meg, Jealous yet? lol :P


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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

he posted 30 minutes ago and his posts are still here.

the mods just can't handle it and the spammer doesnt care, its about money dude, not temper.

its not a war. its cold hard cash.


Exactly. And right now, LL is taking cash out of his pocket by removing his threads in short order. (btw .. they are gone now.) The more cash they take from him, the angrier he gets. And even if "anger" is the right emotion and he stays cool, calm and business-like .. the math is telling him this is a poor investment of time and effort. (Even at micropennies worth of both.)

Spammers typically exhibit a touch of narcissism, picturing themselves as smarter than most and somehow entitled to take money from "naive" users. They seldom see their actions as wrong, but more like the wolf thinning the herd of the weak and unfit. However they also know that there's better herds just over the hill too.

You gotta admit one thing though, even at one hour "response time" to remove the shiiii ... stuff he posts ... that's a whole lot better than it was two months ago.

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Lord Sullivan wrote:

LOL yeah and its safe enough to venture out
I got 2 weeks holiday atm yay hope Nokia Siemens can do without me for a couple of weeks LMAO but Consie has a list of jobs for me to do though Grrrr

Maybe I will lurk a bit then and post in the non rating/kudos forums and enjoy my new 56/58meg Fibrefast unlimited low cost internet connection, it should have been 60 but I get the slower speeds lol and uploading is slow only 7 meg, Jealous yet? lol


Jealous? Oh heck no.

*BANG BANG* (steps over the corpse and steals the fibreline)

Not the least bit jealous at all. *grin*

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

LL cant chase them, not even the same part of the world.

LL are powerless and people are getting ripped.

i look forward to the next epic fail by LL.


(for those Bond affectionados). :smileywink:

may as well laugh about it eh?

We know ll well :)


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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Lord Sullivan wrote:

LOL yeah and its safe enough to venture out
I got 2 weeks holiday atm yay hope Nokia Siemens can do without me for a couple of weeks LMAO but Consie has a list of jobs for me to do though Grrrr

Maybe I will lurk a bit then and post in the non rating/kudos forums and enjoy my new 56/58meg Fibrefast unlimited low cost internet connection, it should have been 60 but I get the slower speeds lol and uploading is slow only 7 meg, Jealous yet? lol


Jealous? Oh heck no.

*BANG BANG* (steps over the corpse and steals the fibreline)

Not the least bit jealous at all. *grin*

LOL but I am still running on my really ancient PC so can't take full advantage of it yet as the new PC isnt coming until next month though Consie is running SL and I am amazed at the lack of lag etc. thats SL and another grid running at the same time so can't wait till new PC day lol


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Attention Lord Sullivan:

It has come to our attention that your new PC may violate certain of our security and performance guidelines and therefore must be submitted to our testing labs for in-depth evaluation before it can be used to access Second Life. Please forward said computer to our designated testing agent immediately upon its arrival. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, however we do not expect the evaluation to last more than perhaps 2-3 years.


LyingMyButtOff Linden

PS: Our records indicate the designated testing agent is Darrius Gothly. He will contact you directly with instructions for shipping the computer to him for the required tests.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Attention Lord Sullivan:

It has come to our attention that your new PC may violate certain of our security and performance guidelines and therefore must be submitted to our testing labs for in-depth evaluation before it can be used to access Second Life. Please forward said computer to our designated testing agent immediately upon its arrival. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, however we do not expect the evaluation to last more than perhaps 2-3 years.


LyingMyButtOff Linden

PS: Our records indicate the designated testing agent is Darrius Gothly. He will contact you directly with instructions for shipping the computer to him for the required tests.


OK no problems LMAO

For that infarction I will submit screenshots and speedtest results and also new PC specs for you to drool over but I am only spending about 1000 euros 1500 dollars on the PC, what would you recomend for a decent flatscreen LCD monitor and maybe i should go for a dual monitor setup, what do you think LOL

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