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Need help with a lamp script that triggers one face number


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Hello, i'm cofused about this one.

I'm making a wall lamp which i would want to be ablle to turn on/off when clicked (anywhere) but since this is one mesh/prim with 3 textures i want it to only change the "glow" settings of one face, and additionally the light toggle which i think would only be able to emmit on the whole mesh.

Ingame mesh:























Inside 3ds max:

i know that the face off the glass that i want to change is 2 and i know of the "PRIM_GLOW" existence but i dont know how exactly to change "ALL_SIDES" to just one side, any help would be really appreciated.


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It's even a bit easier than stated above.


llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_GLOW, 2, intensity]);

... will work if the script is in the object with the target face.  Also if you need to know what face it is edit the object, select the face you want to know, then hold <SHIFT><CONTROL><ALT> + T and the face number will be displayed in chat.


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The reason I use llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[....]) rather than llSetPrimitiveParams is that llSetLinkPPFast doesn't carry the 0.2 second delay that llSetPP does.

Admittedly that's probably not an issue in this example, but I now always use llSetLinkPPFast unless I actually intend to sleep the script for 0.2 seconds (which, in this case, I don't).

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