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multiplying cost in pay menu

conrad Evanier

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Hi can anyone help me i need to know what to add to my rent script so when someone clicks pay the pay menu gives them a choice of 1 to 4 weeks of set cost rather than having to enter the amount.  Example if owner sets rent at L$ 10 a week pay option gives tenant a choice of 10 20 30 40 depending on how many weeks they wont 1 2 3 or 4,  any help would be great as im ony a learner as far as scripting goes :)

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Sure heres the rent script with out PAY_HIDE i use a prmcount script and a split list script along side it but this is the 1 that needs a fast pay set up in it so it adjusts to the amount people set on note card as rentalCost.  Thanks for your help on this :)

//Optionsvector  rentalOffset   = <0,0,10>;float   updateInterval = 60.0; //secondsstring  infoNotecard   = ""; //Variablesstring  tierName;float   rentalCost;integer primCount;key     renterID;string  renterName;float   rentalTime;integer listenQueryID;vector  initPos;vector  initScale;integer count;integer lineCount;key     readKey;string  rentalGrade;integer primAllotment; //Constantsfloat ONE_WEEK = 604800.0;float ONE_DAY  = 86400.0;float ONE_HOUR = 3600.0;  dispString(string value){    llSetText(value, <1,1,1>, 1);}sendReminder(string message){     llInstantMessage(renterID, "Your lease located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") will expire " + message); }saveData(){    list saveData;    vector storageVector;     saveData += renterID;    saveData += renterName;    saveData += llRound(rentalTime);    storageVector = initPos * 1000;    saveData += "<" + (string)llRound(storageVector.x) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.y) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.z) + ">";    storageVector = initScale * 1000;    saveData += "<" + (string)llRound(storageVector.x) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.y) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.z) + ">";     llSetObjectDesc(llDumpList2String(saveData, "|"));}string getTimeString(integer time){    integer days;    integer hours;    integer minutes;     integer seconds;     days = llRound(time / 86400);    time = time % 86400;     hours = (time / 3600);    time  = time % 3600;     minutes = time / 60;    time    = time % 60;     seconds = time;     return (string)days + " days, " + (string)hours + " hours, " + (string)minutes + " minutes"; // + ":" + (string)seconds; } integer setupDialogListen(){    integer chatChannel = (integer)llFrand(2000000);    llListenRemove(listenQueryID);    listenQueryID = llListen(chatChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");    return chatChannel;} updateTimeDisp(){     dispString("Left click for prim count\nLeased by: " + renterName + "\nTime Remaining: " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)));   } dispData(){    llSay(0, "========================");    llSay(0, "Rental Space Information");    llSay(0, "========================");    llSay(0, "This space is currently leased by " + renterName);    llSay(0, "The current rental price is L$" + (string)((integer)rentalCost) + " per week.");    llSay(0, "This space will be open for lease in " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + ".");     llSay(0, "Memory Free: " + (string)llGetFreeMemory());}default{    state_entry()    {        state initialize;    }} state initialize{    state_entry()    {        llSetTimerEvent(300);        llOwnerSay("Waiting to obtain Debit Permissions.");        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);    }    run_time_permissions(integer permissions)    {        //Only wait for payment if the owner agreed to pay out money        if (permissions & PERMISSION_DEBIT)        {            state loadSettings;        }    }        on_rez(integer start_param)    {        llResetScript();    }     timer()    {        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);    }    touch_start(integer total_number)    {        integer x;        for (x = 0; x < total_number; x += 1)        {            if (llDetectedKey(x) == llGetOwner())            {                llResetScript();            }        }        llSay(0, "Waiting to obtain Debit Permissions from Owner.");    }    state_exit()    {        llSetTimerEvent(0);        llSay(0, "Initialized.");    }} state loadSettings{    state_entry()    {        integer found = FALSE;        integer x;         count = 0;        lineCount = 0;         list savedList = llCSV2List(llGetObjectDesc());         if (llGetListLength(savedList) == 4)        {            rentalGrade = llList2String(savedList, 0);        }        else        {            rentalGrade = llGetObjectDesc();        }        for (x = 0; x < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); x += 1)        {            if (llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, x) == "Settings")            {                found = TRUE;             }        }        if (found)        {            llOwnerSay("Reading Settings Notecard...");            readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount);         }        else        {            llOwnerSay("Settings Notecard Not Found.");            llResetScript();        }    }    dataserver(key requested, string data)    {        integer integerData;        float   floatData;         if (requested == readKey)         {             if (data != EOF)            {                if ((llSubStringIndex(data, "#") != 0) && (data != "") && (data != " "))                {                    integerData = (integer)data;                    floatData   = (float)data;                     if (count == 0)                    {                        tierName = data;                    }                    else if (count == 1)                    {                        if (integerData >= 0)                        {                            rentalCost = integerData;                        }                        else                        {                            rentalCost = 0;                        }                    }                    else if (count == 2)                    {                        if (integerData >= 1)                        {                            primCount = integerData;                        }                        else                        {                            primCount = 1;                        }                    }                    else if (count == 3)                    {                        rentalOffset = (vector)data;                    }                    else if (count == 4)                    {                        infoNotecard = data;                    }                    count += 1;                }                lineCount += 1;                readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount);            }            else            {                llOwnerSay("===============");                llOwnerSay("Settings Loaded");                llOwnerSay("===============");                llOwnerSay("Space Name: " + tierName);                llOwnerSay("Rental Cost: L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost));                llOwnerSay("Prims allowed: " + (string)primCount);                llOwnerSay("===============");                llOwnerSay("Ready for Service!");                 list savedList = llParseString2List(llGetObjectDesc(), ["|"], []);                 if (llGetListLength(savedList) == 5)                {                    renterID    = llList2Key(savedList, 01);                    renterName  = llList2String(savedList, 1);                    rentalTime  = llList2Integer(savedList, 2);                    initPos     = (vector)llList2String(savedList, 3) / 1000;                    initScale   = (vector)llList2String(savedList, 4) / 1000;                    state rented;                }                else                {                    renterID   = NULL_KEY;                    renterName = "Nobody";                    rentalTime = 0;                    initPos    = llGetPos();                    initScale  = llGetScale();                    state idle;                }            }        }    }}state idle{    state_entry()    {                llSetObjectDesc("");        llSetTexture("rentthisspace", ALL_SIDES);        llSetScale(initScale);        llSetPos(initPos);        llSetTimerEvent(updateInterval);         dispString(tierName + "\nLease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week.\n"+ (string)primCount + " prims\nPay this Box to begin your lease.");    }    moving_end()    {        initPos = llGetPos();    }    changed(integer change)    {        if (change & CHANGED_SCALE)        {            initScale = llGetScale();        }    }    touch_start(integer num_detected)    {        integer x;        integer chatChannel;         for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)        {            if (llDetectedKey(x) == llGetOwner())            {                llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Owner Options.  Select one of the options below...", ["Info", "Reset"], setupDialogListen());                return;            }         }         llSay(0, "Lease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week. " + (string)primCount + " prims. Pay this Sign to begin your lease.");         for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)        {            llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(x), infoNotecard);        }     }    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)    {        if (message == "Reset")        {            llResetScript();        }        else if (message == "Info")        {            llListenRemove(listenQueryID);            dispData();            llSay(0, "Lease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week. "+ (string)primCount + " prims. Pay this Sign to begin your lease.");            llGiveInventory(id, infoNotecard);        }    }        money(key id, integer amount)    {        if (amount >= rentalCost)        {            renterID   = id;            renterName = llKey2Name(renterID);            rentalTime = ONE_WEEK * amount / rentalCost;            saveData();             llSay(0, "Thank you " + renterName + " for leasing!  Your lease will expire in " + getTimeString((integer)rentalTime) + ".");             state rented;        }        else        {            llSay(0, "This space costs L$" + (string)rentalCost + " to rent.");            llGiveMoney(id, amount);        }    }} state rented{    state_entry()    {        llSetTexture("rented", ALL_SIDES);        llSetScale(<0.5, 0.5, 0.5>);        llSetPos(initPos + rentalOffset);         updateTimeDisp();        llResetTime();        llSetTimerEvent(updateInterval);    }    touch_start(integer num_detected)    {        integer x;        key     detectedKey;         for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)        {            detectedKey = llDetectedKey(x);            if (detectedKey == llGetOwner())            {                llDialog(detectedKey, "Lease Options. Select one of the options below...", ["Info", "Release", "Reset"], setupDialogListen());            }            else if (detectedKey == renterID)            {                llDialog(detectedKey, "Click for info or click Release to end your Lease", ["Info", "Release"], setupDialogListen());            }            else            {                dispData();                llGiveInventory(detectedKey, infoNotecard);            }        }    }    money(key id, integer amount)    {        if ((id == renterID)||(id == llGetOwner()))        {            float addTime;             addTime = ONE_WEEK*amount/rentalCost;            rentalTime += addTime;             llInstantMessage(id, "Adding " + getTimeString(llRound(addTime)) + " to your lease. Lease Time is Now: " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + ".");            saveData();            updateTimeDisp();        }        else        {            llGiveMoney(id, amount);            llInstantMessage(id, "Left click for prim count\nThis space is currently leased by " + renterName + ". This space will be open for lease in " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + ".");         }    }    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)    {        integer refundAmount;         llListenRemove(listenQueryID);         if (message == "Info")        {            dispData();            llGiveInventory(id, infoNotecard);        }        else if (message == "Release")        {            llDialog(id, "Are you sure you want to TERMINATE this rent?", ["Yes", "No"], setupDialogListen());        }        else if (message == "Yes")        {            llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "LEASE TERMINATED: leased by " + renterName + " located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") has ended.");            state idle;                    }        else if (message == "Reset")        {            llResetScript();        }    }    timer()    {        float timeElapsed = llGetAndResetTime();        if (timeElapsed > (updateInterval * 4))        {            timeElapsed = updateInterval;        }        rentalTime -= timeElapsed;         saveData();         updateTimeDisp();          //Process Reminders        if (rentalTime <= 0)        {            llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "LEASE EXPIRED: leased by " + renterName + " located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") has expired.");             state idle;        }        if ((rentalTime <= ONE_DAY)&&(rentalTime >= ONE_DAY - (updateInterval*2)))        {            sendReminder("in one day.");        }                      else if ((rentalTime <= ONE_HOUR*12)&&(rentalTime >= ONE_HOUR*12 - (updateInterval*2)))        {            sendReminder("in 12 hours.");        }                else if ((rentalTime <= ONE_HOUR)&&(rentalTime >= ONE_HOUR - (updateInterval*2)))        {            sendReminder("in one hour.");        }            }}


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You don't set the price anywhere.

Add the line


llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [(integer)rentalCost, 2 * (integer)rentalCost, 3 * (integer)rentalCost, 4 * (integer)rentalCost] );


to the state_entry events of the states idle and rented and it should work.



vector rentalOffset = <0,0,10>;
float updateInterval = 60.0; //seconds
string infoNotecard = "";

string tierName;
float rentalCost;
integer primCount;
key renterID;
string renterName;
float rentalTime;
integer listenQueryID;
vector initPos;
vector initScale;
integer count;
integer lineCount;
key readKey;
string rentalGrade;
integer primAllotment;

float ONE_WEEK = 604800.0;
float ONE_DAY = 86400.0;
float ONE_HOUR = 3600.0;

dispString(string value)
llSetText(value, <1,1,1>, 1);
sendReminder(string message)
llInstantMessage(renterID, "Your lease located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") will expire " + message);
list saveData;
vector storageVector;

saveData += renterID;
saveData += renterName;
saveData += llRound(rentalTime);
storageVector = initPos * 1000;
saveData += "<" + (string)llRound(storageVector.x) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.y) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.z) + ">";
storageVector = initScale * 1000;
saveData += "<" + (string)llRound(storageVector.x) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.y) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.z) + ">";

llSetObjectDesc(llDumpList2String(saveData, "|"));
string getTimeString(integer time)
integer days;
integer hours;
integer minutes;
integer seconds;

days = llRound(time / 86400);
time = time % 86400;

hours = (time / 3600);
time = time % 3600;

minutes = time / 60;
time = time % 60;

seconds = time;

return (string)days + " days, " + (string)hours + " hours, " + (string)minutes + " minutes"; // + ":" + (string)seconds;

integer setupDialogListen()
integer chatChannel = (integer)llFrand(2000000);
listenQueryID = llListen(chatChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
return chatChannel;

dispString("Left click for prim count\nLeased by: " + renterName + "\nTime Remaining: " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)));

llSay(0, "========================");
llSay(0, "Rental Space Information");
llSay(0, "========================");
llSay(0, "This space is currently leased by " + renterName);
llSay(0, "The current rental price is L$" + (string)((integer)rentalCost) + " per week.");
llSay(0, "This space will be open for lease in " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + ".");
llSay(0, "Memory Free: " + (string)llGetFreeMemory());
state initialize;

state initialize
llOwnerSay("Waiting to obtain Debit Permissions.");
llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
run_time_permissions(integer permissions)
//Only wait for payment if the owner agreed to pay out money
if (permissions & PERMISSION_DEBIT)
state loadSettings;
on_rez(integer start_param)
llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
touch_start(integer total_number)
integer x;
for (x = 0; x < total_number; x += 1)
if (llDetectedKey(x) == llGetOwner())
llSay(0, "Waiting to obtain Debit Permissions from Owner.");
llSay(0, "Initialized.");

state loadSettings
integer found = FALSE;
integer x;

count = 0;
lineCount = 0;

list savedList = llCSV2List(llGetObjectDesc());

if (llGetListLength(savedList) == 4)
rentalGrade = llList2String(savedList, 0);
rentalGrade = llGetObjectDesc();
for (x = 0; x < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); x += 1)
if (llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, x) == "Settings")
found = TRUE;
if (found)
llOwnerSay("Reading Settings Notecard...");
readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount);
llOwnerSay("Settings Notecard Not Found.");
dataserver(key requested, string data)
integer integerData;
float floatData;

if (requested == readKey)
if (data != EOF)
if ((llSubStringIndex(data, "#") != 0) && (data != "") && (data != " "))
integerData = (integer)data;
floatData = (float)data;

if (count == 0)
tierName = data;
else if (count == 1)
if (integerData >= 0)
rentalCost = integerData;
rentalCost = 0;
else if (count == 2)
if (integerData >= 1)
primCount = integerData;
primCount = 1;
else if (count == 3)
rentalOffset = (vector)data;
else if (count == 4)
infoNotecard = data;
count += 1;
lineCount += 1;
readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount);
llOwnerSay("Settings Loaded");
llOwnerSay("Space Name: " + tierName);
llOwnerSay("Rental Cost: L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost));
llOwnerSay("Prims allowed: " + (string)primCount);
llOwnerSay("Ready for Service!");

list savedList = llParseString2List(llGetObjectDesc(), ["|"], []);

if (llGetListLength(savedList) == 5)
renterID = llList2Key(savedList, 01);
renterName = llList2String(savedList, 1);
rentalTime = llList2Integer(savedList, 2);
initPos = (vector)llList2String(savedList, 3) / 1000;
initScale = (vector)llList2String(savedList, 4) / 1000;
state rented;
renterID = NULL_KEY;
renterName = "Nobody";
rentalTime = 0;
initPos = llGetPos();
initScale = llGetScale();
state idle;
state idle
llSetTexture("rentthisspace", ALL_SIDES);
dispString(tierName + "\nLease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week.\n"+ (string)primCount + " prims\nPay this Box to begin your lease.");
initPos = llGetPos();
changed(integer change)
if (change & CHANGED_SCALE)
initScale = llGetScale();
touch_start(integer num_detected)
integer x;
integer chatChannel;

for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)
if (llDetectedKey(x) == llGetOwner())
llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Owner Options. Select one of the options below...", ["Info", "Reset"], setupDialogListen());

llSay(0, "Lease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week. " + (string)primCount + " prims. Pay this Sign to begin your lease.");

for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)
llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(x), infoNotecard);
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if (message == "Reset")
else if (message == "Info")
llSay(0, "Lease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week. "+ (string)primCount + " prims. Pay this Sign to begin your lease.");
llGiveInventory(id, infoNotecard);
money(key id, integer amount)
if (amount >= rentalCost)
renterID = id;
renterName = llKey2Name(renterID);
rentalTime = ONE_WEEK * amount / rentalCost;

llSay(0, "Thank you " + renterName + " for leasing! Your lease will expire in " + getTimeString((integer)rentalTime) + ".");

state rented;
llSay(0, "This space costs L$" + (string)rentalCost + " to rent.");
llGiveMoney(id, amount);

state rented
llSetTexture("rented", ALL_SIDES);
llSetScale(<0.5, 0.5, 0.5>);
llSetPos(initPos + rentalOffset);

touch_start(integer num_detected)
integer x;
key detectedKey;

for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)
detectedKey = llDetectedKey(x);
if (detectedKey == llGetOwner())
llDialog(detectedKey, "Lease Options. Select one of the options below...", ["Info", "Release", "Reset"], setupDialogListen());
else if (detectedKey == renterID)
llDialog(detectedKey, "Click for info or click Release to end your Lease", ["Info", "Release"], setupDialogListen());
llGiveInventory(detectedKey, infoNotecard);
money(key id, integer amount)
if ((id == renterID)||(id == llGetOwner()))
float addTime;

addTime = ONE_WEEK*amount/rentalCost;
rentalTime += addTime;

llInstantMessage(id, "Adding " + getTimeString(llRound(addTime)) + " to your lease. Lease Time is Now: " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + ".");
llGiveMoney(id, amount);
llInstantMessage(id, "Left click for prim count\nThis space is currently leased by " + renterName + ". This space will be open for lease in " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + ".");
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
integer refundAmount;


if (message == "Info")
llGiveInventory(id, infoNotecard);
} else if (message == "Release") { llDialog(id, "Are you sure you want to TERMINATE this rent?", ["Yes", "No"], setupDialogListen()); } else if (message == "Yes") { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "LEASE TERMINATED: leased by " + renterName + " located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") has ended."); state idle; } else if (message == "Reset") { llResetScript(); } } timer() { float timeElapsed = llGetAndResetTime(); if (timeElapsed > (updateInterval * 4)) { timeElapsed = updateInterval; } rentalTime -= timeElapsed; saveData(); updateTimeDisp(); //Process Reminders if (rentalTime <= 0) { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "LEASE EXPIRED: leased by " + renterName + " located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") has expired."); state idle; } if ((rentalTime <= ONE_DAY)&&(rentalTime >= ONE_DAY - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in one day."); } else if ((rentalTime <= ONE_HOUR*12)&&(rentalTime >= ONE_HOUR*12 - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in 12 hours."); } else if ((rentalTime <= ONE_HOUR)&&(rentalTime >= ONE_HOUR - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in one hour."); } }}



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