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Physics not showing up on the preview (Mesh building)


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Hey, I've been making a house in blender for SL, I uploaded a rough copy with physics, it worked perfectly.

Then in blender I editited a bit, mostly adjusting so the moulding and walls where even, making it neater, but not affecting the size much.


but when I tried to upload, the phyics just would not show up. I tried re-making the phsyics twice, setting the scale to 1, making the phsyics match the bounding box.

But the same weird issue each time


This is the bug, you should be able to see the physics. My guess it deforms either uber small or uber big. and I'm pretty bummed out why it decided to stop working.


Anyone know a fix?



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A bit more info might help. First, is it one mesh object or more? Second, If it was more than one, were the additions you made extra objects? Similarly, were the numbers of object the same in visible and physics models for both versions. Finally (for now) did you use exactlky the same physics file for the second version of the house? Also, can you see anything if you move the exploded view slider?

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Thanks for the reply.

It's a mesh object, a single object no linked parts, No etxtra objected made, just the moulding moved a few cenetmeters and the door frame thickness.


The Physics model is a single model too, like the original mesh and I've tried multiple files of the physics, same result.


And nothing appears in the exploded view, I tried uploading it and it seems there's no Prim option for the physics, so it doesn't seem to upload at all.


Hope that helps. I can supply some screenshots later.

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Hmm. That all rules out a lot of possibilities. The uploader clearly thinks it has a pretty normal physics shape because it has the vertex and hull counts. Did you try uploading the physics model on its own, as high LOD with everything default? Progressively removing parts of the physics model might tell you where the problem comes from (although it won't fit properly, of course). So far, I haven't thought of a reason why the same physics file would work with the simple model but not the one with added details, provided there's only a single object each time. I think you are saying that's what's happening. (I am assuming you haven't forgotten to export only selected objects.) Might need to have access to the dae files to get any further. Sorry.

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Drongle McMahon wrote:

The uploader clearly thinks it has a pretty normal physics shape because it has the vertex and hull counts.

Yes it thinks so but it must be wrong. If there was an analyzed physics shape there it would have been visible with Preview Spread.

One important question: which viewer are we talking about here? The screen shot doesn't look like the official viewer nor Firestorm.

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Hey sorry for the delay, was busy with work.


I managed to get it to work. by removing certain parts of the model, in this case the steps. Not sure why they broke the physics, as they where not modified or moved since the rough draft (Which worked). So I'll jus thave to upload the steps seperatly.


Thanks for the help guys <3

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Ah yes, that one. When you have a mesh object with more than eight materials, the uploader splits it into multiple objects, so that each has eight or less materials. This is a kludge to make it look as if there are more than eight per object, when in fact there aren't. Unfortunately, it doesn't know it should split the physics model. It wouldn't know how to anyway. So that leaves it with fewer physics objects than visible objects. In this case, it probably split off a tiny piece of your added detail as the new model, and then it might have packed the entire physics model into its bounding box. Otherwise it may have simply found the mismatch and failed to upload the physics entirely. In the former case, as only one of the objects would have a "Prim" type shape, the viewer could not switch the type for the whole thing. However, if you unlink it (it will be a linkset inworld). then you could see whether you could switch one or the other of the constituent objects. That would answer the question.

In general, I strongly recommend against using more than eight material per object, thus invoking the kludge. There are several nasty effects that can arise. If you absolutely require more than eight materials, it is always much better to control what happens precisely by dividing it into object yourself, rather than letting the uploader do it with unpredictable consequences. I would rather this kludge had not been introduced.

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