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If there is a way to help with this I would appreciate it, I remember years ago people used to vote or acknopwlage "jiras" to help get them seen.  


It is in reference to this issue I made a post on recently.  https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/2-MP-glitches-Changing-names-of-my-products-delisting-my/td-p/2990517

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It is still happening!

But the Jira apears to have been closed, with final note to contact support. Previous experince leads me to expect that, anyone going to support with this issue will likley be told "to file a Jira". *sigh*

The best work around is to imediatly check the listing after updating a product, and then fix the listing.

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Hi, Hypartia, 


Thank you for replying. They got back to me on my open ticket and explained how to work around a bug.  Alot of work to fix listings.  But they seem stable - I think- I'll know for sure when sales pick back up.  

Closing the jira was them, I guess it is easier to have peoples shops fall to bits, have them contact support, go write a jira and then give them instructions on how to work around the problem and then close the jira with nothing done.  easier than fixing it.  Odd.  Sorry to be grumpy, but it was pretty shoddy.  


Don't use Auto fill!  lol


Thanks again for checking in!  We live and learn, ey.:smileyvery-happy:

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Seems I spoke to soon, last night sales picked up again finally and it has started again.  

It has even emailed me saying something was out of stock, and i come online to find it is delisted with one still left in it, my usual first step is to (after I check everything first of course) make a new version folder, not even that works.  So I leave it closed while help get to me or I relist it fully and lose all my hard earned ranking.    

What is stressful is this isn't just a hobby for me, the money I make is solid enough to be calculated into my real life income.  It's nothing huge, but enough to count a lot in my life as I'm struggling. 

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I can't seem to comment on the JIRA for this, but I just wanted to say that I've had the same thing happening to me.  Random de-listings; item names reverting to those items used for AutoFill.... and it's been going on since VMM was in beta last year.  As I was told by JIRA then, 'I must be changing the names' and 'when a product runs out, it's de-listed'.

The only solution I had was to stop using autofill all-together.  

And then I made a mistake: I figured, surely, they would've had it worked out by now, so I began using Autofill. Last week, I had an item de-listed as a copy because -- wait for it -- the name had reverted to the name of the Autofill item.  

I loathe to see this happening to you, too, but maybe now the Lindens will see that it's not in my head.  <facepalm>


For what it's worth, jic Support is watching:



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Hi Marlowe,

 I'm sorry to hear you are getting it also,  I have voted on your jira's, mine is back open now too.  


First time it happened I put off  going to help, as ya do... Hopin it would just go away or be a managable problem.  But it became so severe I pulled listings off line and went to them,  it happens only with my best selling set of stuff, has to do with auto fill.  And now I after yesterday it is taking items out of VMM stockfolders and adding them.  

Help were good last night.  I went to them again as soon as it started happening and they responded with in the day, reopened the jira and I am going to keep a diary of issues and try and pin point it.  SO they want to fix it.  

I think gacha tradign is part of it,  I do it in such a way that I don't like to let a listing go.  I choose a collection that I can keep filled and trhere available long after the gacha round is done.  So my listings become valuable to me, as the rankings i earn from longevity.  

What scares me is how it just degenerated last time and already this time has gone from simply getting the error and being able to fix and relist with a fresh version folder to  last night, while writing back to help, I opened VMM on SL to have a look and the error just started popping up with out any touching of any folder.  


Is it still happening to you? 


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Hi, Hypatia, 


Oh that''s a big blooper :(   I remember wondering if that was happening to my listings when the auto fil thing was happening many times daily. -  I don't understand why they don't put a warning on it in the help files, it will knock any listing it affects badly.  Let alone sell the wrong stuff to the mercents customers.  



I am still leaving reports on my jira.  Help wrote to me and asked me to and very occasionally writes and says they're still working on it and trying to narrow in on exact area of the glitch.   Mainly about the copy error now, I don't know how much more narrowing down my case can give.  


Meanwhiel I am stuck using my mp listings folder with all these remedial precautions from help that only allows me minimal use and where i must tend it daily, sometimes a few times.  

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