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new to house making,(ANSWERED)


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well first things first,im a little new to house building,but relatively experienced in graphical object making.

the one thing i cant understand is what is so morosely wrong with second life's collision analyzer.

most of the things ive worked with in the past took there collision surface straight from the surface of the object itself.


far as i can tell,it seems one of two things on here:

1.you can upload your own physics shape,which actually seems abit crude unless your desperate to save space,which im not

2.second life's default collision surface seems to be permanently stuck in "one dimension mode" ,which is a term i sue to describe antiquated physics engines that cant calculate beyond an object that is in reality one dimensional,like say a cube or a sphere with a shape but only one continuous surface


but nevertheless.i assume given the rich variety of houses on here a way to trick or soundly defeat the antiquated collision calculations in second life has been found.

since im not familiar with these tricks,nor looking to save space in the prim count or upload cost.

i could use a straightfoward,step-by,-step explanation of how to make it so i can actually draw the collision shape from the model itself,which is basically a roughed up tube (im open to using a simple tube model as a physics shape if the aforementioned problem can be solved).for reference here is a picture

 (i almost forgot to add,im well aware of the different between convex hull and prim under physics shape in the features tab of object edit mode.but if i use the object model itself as the physics shape,the same one as initially chosen in the upload tab,i either get an impenetrable object or a phantom object not set to phantom when i set it to prim,and ive already tryed making a simple shape or using a completely different model as the physics shape but the same problem still presents itself,i get an impenetrable object when set to prim.and i need to walk on the inside surface)

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Have you pressed the Simplify button under the physics tab in the importer? If so, don't do it. Just press Analyze only, or leave it as a triangle based physics shape, and leave the Analyze button alone also.

Btw. their is nothing crude about making optimized custom physic shapes. :matte-motes-tongue:

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its really quite simple.

its no the uploader's problem of crudeness

its the antiquated physics coding in secondlife

any physics engine worth more than two cents should be able to draw a collision model of exacting detail from the surface of an object exactly.in a decent physics engine there is no such thing as a secondary model for physics shape because what you see and what you bump into are the same thing(of course this isnt talking about texturing)

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famous does not equate good,not even remotely (look up the word infamous)


here is an idea then.explain why other games using the havoc engine almost always have exacting surface mapping collision by default.


honestly i havent seen these sorts of problems since they were still making cartridge games for the n64.either the engine is garbage,or the game coding outside of the engine doesnt work well with the engine

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LOL, well I told you how easy it is to achieve what you want. I may come back talking with you when you hit the limits which are set on the physics upload.  All of your N64 gaming experience doesn't apply to Second Life, this thing is has to run well even with people like you who don't give a flying f**k how the platform performs for everyone with their creations.

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interesting..could you please tell me how on earth you ever reached the generalization of "all of my experince comes from the n64" from "i havent seen problems like this sense the n64"


never the less,here is a treat for you,i followed your exacting instructions,and the thing becomes passthrough without being phantom.

here is a picture for proof 

(by the way,did i say i actually cared how well said object preforms for other people?no i didnt,and when someone doesnt specify something like that too you,its extremely rude of you to not assume personal use)

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mmmm.also interesting,i fixed it.


turns out there were afew extra options in the physics tabs,and afew extra needed steps that you failed to mention or didnt consider

so despite the fact that i came here in this forum looking for a nice helpful answer like i had gotten with my scripting question about the bed script,someone decided to be rude and opinionated without thinking about each of a limtied set of possibilitys

so i decided to respond in kind with slightly more eloquence.

so you may infact stop responding,this has been answered by me,as seeing your forgetfullness regarding the entirety of the upload process and lack of tact.this motivates me to figure it out myself

happy hunting mr opinionated

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You know, the importer doesn't know if you want to use this only for yourself, on your private sim. And even then, you still share server resources with other peoples regions, running on that server.

Wasn't that quite easy to fix, even with this antiquated coding we have in Second Life?  lol

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ah yes.well luck us we arent dealing with a rosetta stone here


knifes,boulders,dirt and sticks are extremely antiquated,and usually have a complete lack of user freindliness upfront


but there solutions do come remarkably quick.


so.do we know why other games use collision surface extracted maps?

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MishkaKatyusha wrote:

so.do we know why other games use collision surface extracted maps?

I doubt they do. Certainly not for everything. What can be optimized will be optimized. If it needs to be the exact mesh as the visual mesh, it will only be on certain things.

If the importer would just create a collision mesh of any geometry thrown at it, and it would be set to type prim by default, you don't need a collision mesh at all, because you couldn't walk a single step in SL. People who are making these "other games" most likely know what they do, which isn't necessarily the case in Second Life. Anybody can build and upload things here. Having certain limitations on the importer is simply a necessity to keep the platform running.

It's fairly easy to create collision meshes anyway, so why not making them?

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i suppose in the end its rather foolish of me to complain.seeing as the end result is the same

manipulating the controls to make the game extract a collision map based on a low detail version of the object's surface patterns worked great,didnt even need to upload the extra file,and ive got a decent sized house at 88 prims


while thats a little much on the prim count ill probably be making better shapes i nthe future,seeing as a majority of the graphics work ive done in the past,including commisioned art peices.was pretty much only ever about what was best looking


and when thats the case,vert counts i nthe millions arent entirely unusual

but it all depends on how fast its wanted,with alot of time (maybe a month or more) a nice commisioned art peice can be made with care,either drawing it for stitching it together in a photo editor with love

if its needed fast,i usually use a graphics program to speed things up

i still have around 20 gbs of material left over from my other graphics ventures,trying to adapt it for secondlife use is perplexing though seeing as most of it is beauty oriented

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A sculpting program has it's place in a game asset production pipeline. Retopologizing is your friend. Usually I start by making a highpoly model first. Which can involve sculpting as well. Making the highpoly takes me as much time, or even longer, as the in-game lowpoly model (which I create by manually retopo-ing the highpoly mesh), and it's LOD models + physics shape together. The beauty of the highpoly will be baked into a normal map then.

So if you have a ton of highpoly models at hand already, you can save a significant amount of time actually.

There is also this open source automatic retopo tool called Instant Meshes which looks quite interesting.

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ill have to look at that instant mesh thing.

and its funny you should mention that because i do have a ton of high poly art assets left over from a past project(it didnt go so well because of a certain "dissagreement" with the management where i was at the time,so i ended up with alot more experience,a ton of art assets with full rights to them,and they wound up with nothing.mostly bad timing on there part as it hadnt yet reached the part where they would get any rights to it)

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