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Deploy for the week of 2015-09-21

Caleb Linden

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Second Life Server (main channel)

The main channel is getting the server maintenance project, which was previously on RC Magnum and LeTigre channels


Scheduled Tuesday 2015-09-22 03:00-09:00 PDT


Second Life RC BlueSteel:

BlueSteel is getting the same server maintenance project as last week.


Scheduled Wednesday 2015-09-23 07:00-10:30 PST


Second Life RC LeTigre:

LeTigre is getting the same server maintenance project as BlueSteel


Scheduled Wednesday 2015-09-23 07:00-10:30 PST


Second Life RC Magnum:

Magnum is getting the same server maintenance project as BlueSteel


Scheduled Wednesday 2015-09-23 07:00-10:30 PST



We will be monitoring this thread as the code gets released, so feel free to note any observations you have about the server updates.  If you have a specific bug you'd like to report, please file a Jira.

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well, on magnum its a mess.

my land on Tuvucca bay is located on Magnum region.

From the moment u did the rolling restart, i cant tp out without being logged out.

i cant load my avatar, i keep being a cloud and wear any bodypart from my inventory ends up in a fail.

i cant rezz anything on my land. 

my friend list is empty

my group list is empty

if i log from another place and come back to my land from there, my hair disappear instantanely, althought i still see it as worn in my inventory. i cant tp away again. nor can i rezz....

and i cant find anyone from the estate manager team to restart the sim. 

So i am stuck, till you repair .... maybe.... one day....:(

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Your symptoms sound like capability failure, but I'm not seeing any caps fails on Tuvuca Bay. The region hasn't been restarted in the last 5 hours either.  Strange...

Logging in there, my friends list & groups list load, I can change outfits (everything rezzes normally) and I can teleport out without being disconnected.

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Also i got weird message like that one at my loggings : "There was problem saving the default object permission : STATUS_ERROR please try setting the default permissions later"

this message happens as i am logging (so not touching anything), As i am a cloud i first have the message about my outfit is still not loaded and below that one,i see the one i pasted above.


im not editing anything, just logging.

i did try to log with an alt too. and i get the same.


So please fix. 

i have my shop, my artgallery and my workshop on my land, you can imagine, that this is causing me problem as i cant work right now.


thank you

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I am having the same issue with my parcel

Submitted a ticket to LL

Had the exact same issues yesterday on an Island Region after it went thru a restart and the region had to be rebooted 2 times to fix the issues.

Everyone in the region had the same problems, it wasn't just me

Now my parcel today goes thru a restart and exactly the same issues crop up there only it's Zindra land and I can't reboot it myself so it isn't you it's SL.

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And its not only me, i just tped someone from firestorm support group in my land, and he lost his hair right as he arrived and he tried to relog from there, and experienced exactly same than me.

also as he was relogging, his avatar didnt disappear.

Same happens to me, since a friend i had in IM said she didnt saw me offline while i was relogging earlier.

This doesnt happen else where than in my land. im perfectly fine when i log from another sim.

So that's not me.

and it just happened after the rolling restart. so yes, i think you guys you messed my land.. again.

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ah well at least, i know now that's not only me.

im going to submit a ticket right now as it looks that for my estate manager "support 24/7" doesnt have the same meaning than what i thought. As there is noone online for 7 hours now .

and since LL broke it, i think its fair to ask them to fix it now. 

7 hours of potential work wasted ! and i bet that all the visitors of my store and artgallery are experiencing the same... blah

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I really do not know what to add to this litany of woe, but Wirtz (LeTigre RC) was borked again after today's restarts.  Mesh objects and attachments would not rez and once in no-one could TP out. 

A Live Chat session brought about a very rapid restart from LL and that appeared to solve the problems, but really this happens far too often now for it not to be a major target for LL's bug-hunters. 

This "capabilities" issue and "de-syncing" of sims is not a reasonable by-blow from changes to server software.  We need this fixed, and soon,  Linden Lab.

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ok, well finally someone from the estate manager team restarted the sim last night and it fixed.

not a single word from you, LL, not a single answer to my ticket, and not a single comment from you, Caleb, while you said "We will be monitoring this thread as the code gets released, so feel free to note any observations you have about the server updates.". 

So well, i m not going to say thank you bec i dont owe you any.

mistakes can happen, unexpected bugs can happen too, but the least you must do is first, really monitor a thread when you say you will, answer the persons here, and fix the bug as fast as you can. 

But hey ! what did i expect ? 

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