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Viewer-Managed Marketplace Inworld Feedback Session


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ok so im confused, what is about the market place that the lindens are trying to break now?

the market place has still not recoverd from when they broke  x street, how will it efect me since i have been forced to use market street (and not x street any more) a lot to buy things either while  via my dashboard and very ocasionaly while in world, why must lindens consentrate on messing with things that are ok, and continue to leave more important things that have been broke for years.

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Lindens needs to udnerstand that we feel really tired of loosing time by sumbitting JIRAS when they get ignored and closed

We had tested the new MP in the merchants association and we had found several bugs that had been reported as jiras, such as:

1) When the product is purchased as gift, none the buyer or the gifted person can leave a review, Lindens knows that its a bug that happens because people changes their SL names, still, they dont fix it.


2) MP keeps always displaying freebies on TOP


3) Please create a BULK editing for SLRUL changing in MP


4) Please create a way of searching/listing "yellow" disabled product by MP guidelines, so we can at least fix and know of this.


All this JIRAS as everyone may notice, had been simply abandoned, so, whats the point honestly? noone cares seems


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Ophelia Kira wrote:

i would be interested in getting an invitation to this please

Invite to what?  The meeting was last week.  If you mean invite to use VMM, just download the project viewer and fill in the application form that's linked to in the other thread about VMM.

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Wooddragon Moonwall wrote:

ok so im confused, what is about the market place that the lindens are trying to break now?

They're not trying to break anything, they're trying to repair and so far they seem to be doing it right.

It's less than meets the eye though. Apparently what happened was that the direct delivery system was on the verge on breaking down so the tried to come up with an alternative. The solution also allowed them to get rid of the magic boxes once and for all and add some extra functionality that is great for a few merchants and rather trivial for most.

The bad news is that this is just an isolated repair job, not the start of the complete overhaul MP so desperately needs.

The good news: An improvement that only benefits a few but harms nobody is still an improvement. And LL actually was alert enough to fix a growing problem before it got critical for the customers.

But the best news is the process itself. As far as I know, LL has never before actively tried to get customer feedback the way they did this time - not just this thread and that meeting but throughout the process. If that is how they're going to do things from now on, SL as a whole has made a quantum leap in quality level. :)

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