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Online abuse.

Axel Oakleaf

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5 answers to this question

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As far as the following you around to different forums, there's not much LL can do about anything outside of Secondlife... if it happens on a LL forum you can complain; if it's not a LL forum you'd have to file a complain with whoever's forum it is.

As far as someone giving you grief cause you play Secondlife; ignore it... idiots are everywhere.  Some people say dumass sh*t, thats a reflection on them, not you.  Blow it off, if they wanna have issues it's their problem and don't make their problem and issues yours.  Tell them as much.

There are people on Secondlife who make a reallife income from the things they sell inworld.  Personally I don't think the mouthpiece you speak of has the slightest clue what they're talking about... even so if they don'r like SL, who the heck cares  : )   Someone from Secondlife, giving you a hassle cause you play Secondlife?   This person is moronic.

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Like the others said, there isn't much you can do realistically. And if it is outside of Second Life then complaining to the Lindens won't get you anywhere because they couldn't do anything about it if they wanted to.

Ignoring them is actually the best option. Part of the reason they do it is because they know they are getting to you. Once they see you're ignoring them they will really lay it on in an attempt to get a reaction out of you but if they consistently fail to get a rise out of you they should eventually get bored and go away.

It's not your fault it's a poison well, but it is your fault if you keep drinking there. Know what I mean?

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Engage a lawyer

I'm sure nothing would please a troll more than knowing they rattled your cage enough that you actually spent $ (LOTS of $$$$) to hire an attorney.

Have them write to Linden Lab for this person's RL contact details

They won't give that information to you or your lawyer with a reason that protects them from prosecution. The only way they will disclose the personal private information on who owns the account in the case of accused harassment is if it is requested by a legal authority (i.e. a court order). That is even assuming they actually *have* his RL contact details and he didn't just register his account as "Mr Fur Burger from Crackho, Mississippi"

Take them to court

I for one would love to see that episode of Judge Judy. Seriously.

Obtain a restraining order against them

Hmmm... The chances that he lives anywhere near you border on the infinitesimal. Let's get an order saying he cannot come within 50 feet of you. Oh yes, that is helpful. And what if they aren't in the same country. Where are you going to go with that? The Hauge?

Contact the police when they persist

So they can pretend to care someone on the other side of the country/world is calling you names on the interwebs.

Have them jailed

and executed! (both of which are about as likely)

Seriously, the reality is it will likely never get to any stage where this person will have to answer to anyone. But for the sake of argument let's assume you actually DO get a restraining order. At that point all he has to do is leave you alone from that point on and he can laugh his a$$ off and tell his friends how he we able to push your buttons so well you spent hundreds or thousands of real dollars (not to mention all the time involved) to serve him with a restraining order from halfway across the country. These are the sort of things trolls live for.

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