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Scope problem

Gregory McLeod

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I am trying to develo a user function which will give me the indices of a specific string in a source string. I keep getting a problem with variable not being defined within scope.

I paste the c ode for the complete function tester script.

string Source1 = "XbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyX";
string StrInStrIndex(string psSrc,string psArg,integer piNum)
    integer liIndex;
    integer liSrcLen;
    string  psSrcTemp;
    list    laFound;
    if (llSubStringIndex(psSrc,psArg) == -1)
        return "-1";
    liIndex = llSubStringIndex(psSrc,psArg);
    llSay(0,"liIndexA: " + (string)liIndex);
    liSrcLen = llStringLength(psSrc);
    llSay(0,"liSrcLenA: " + (string)liSrcLen);
    if (liIndex == (liSrcLen -1))
        return (string)liIndex;
    laFound = [];
    llSay(0,"laFoundA: " + llList2CSV(laFound));
    laFound += [liIndex];
    llSay(0,"laFoundB: " + llList2CSV(laFound));
    if ((liIndex == 0) &  (liSrcLen == 1))
    	return llList2CSV(laFound);
		psSrcTemp = llGetSubString(psSrc,(liIndex + 1), -1);
		llSay(0,"psSrcTempA: " + psSrcTemp);
            integer liSrcLen1;
            llSay(0,"Start DO loop");
			liScrLen1 = llStringLength(psSrcTemp);
			llSay(0,"liSrcLen1A: " + (string)liSrcLen1);
			if (liSrcLen1 == 0)
				return llList2CSV(laFound);
				liIndex = llSubStringIndex(psSrcTemp,psArg);
				llSay(0,"liIndexB: " + (string)liIndex);
				if (liIndex == -1)
					return llList2CSV(laFound);
					laFound += [liIndex];
					llSay(0,"laFound: " + llList2CSV(laFound));
					psSrcTemp = llGetSubString(psSrcTemp,(liIndex + 1),-1);
					llSay(0,"psSrcTempB: " + psSrcTemp);
		while (liSrcLen1 > 0);
	return llList2CSV(laFound);
        llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        string Result;
        llSay(0,"Source1: " + Source1);
        Result = StrInStrIndex(Source1,"X",-1);
        llSay(0,"Result1: " + Result);

 Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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