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how to change eye, hair color etc


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My daughter was given homework on FRI to create/customize an avatar in Second Life that looks like and resembles her. Same hair style, color of hair, color of eyes, build, etc. I have spent hours researching this and even created an account for myself so I do not prevent her from not being able to sign on. This is an intro class, not a programming or advanced class.

I am at a complete loss. She has no idea and neither do I. Dad's are supposed to be able to help and neither one of us know what we are doing. I have tried adjusting appearance, but it just changes shape and type of eyes, not eye color. If there is a video or a link with instructions, please help us.

As far as I know, the students will not be doing much in Second Life, just exposing them to it. This is a long way from Super Mario Brothers that I played in USMC back in the 80s on original Nintendo.

Oh, she cannot "buy" an avatar, she must create one. Everything must be free or created. I guess that means if we can find our way to a marketplace, we must only purchase items that are "free".

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Eddy aka ReconRanger


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You're doing great, Dad.  Just don't be tempted to do her homework for her.  She'll catch on fast enough and she'll have more fun if she discovers things for herself too.  (I raised two kids and have grandkids who are eager learners too, so I've been there.  :smileywink:  )

Hair color can be adjusted in the Appearance menus (right click on your av and cruise through the various tabs until you find the controls for the head and face.)  You will discover quickly that those are woefully inadequate, but they do work after a fashion.  If you want satisfying results, you'll have to go get new attachments.  All good hair and eyes in SL are made by other creators in world.  There's a bewildering array.  One nice thing about it is that there are so many choices that you can find lots that meet your own needs.  Shopping for hair and eyes is also a great way to learn basic skills in SL.  Learn to use your Search tool.

When you are shopping for hair, especially, it's best to do your shopping in world rather than on the Marketplace.  You have the advantage of being able to see many styles at once and try on demos right there.  Even though your daughter is limited to using free items, she ought to visit several hair stores to get a feel for the options and see how to shop.  Have her click only on things labeled "DEMO" so that she doesn't buy something by mistake, and then let her try on what she bought.  She'll see lots of other women doing the same thing, with big DEMO boxes  hovering over their heads.  Many of the best hair stores, like TRUTH, offer a small selection of free hair -- sometimes discontinued items and sometimes just as an enticement to come back.  She'll have to explore to find them.  She can also find good quality hair (but not try on demos) at some of the freebie shops where designers offer welcoming items to newbies.  The Free Dove is one of the best, but there are many others. 

Eyes are a little more challenging.  She'll be able to find some freebies in the Free Dove-type stores, but the best places to find eyes are often places where skins and shapes are sold.  You didn't say how old your daughter is, but I am guessing from context that she is under 18.  Most skin stores are on Mature or Adult sims, because their ads necessarily display parts of the body that Linden Lab has declared to be shocking for minors. That means she will not be able to visit very many of them.  Use your Search function diligently, though, and you will find some she can visit.  And some of them may have free eyes as promotional items.

It also occurs to me that the Library folders at the bottom of her Inventory contain a pretty good collection of starter avatars and body parts that she should sample.  All of those are of course free too.

Now, back to the start.  I can't emphasize too much that this should be your daughter's exploration.  Success in SL depends on mastering some very basic skills and then doing a lot of independent practice until they feel natural.  If she hasn't already found it, she should start here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919

Then, visit Caledon Oxbridge University or NCI in world.  Both are places with excellent self-guided tutorials and, often, friendly and knowledgeable mentors.  She can learn a lot there in a short time, and may meet friendly people who can offer tips about where to find some of the otehr things she needs to complete her outfit.

Two final bits of advice:

1.  Appearance is a long-term project in SL, just as it is in RL, and it is a very personal matter, especially for women.  Your daughter will never get it "right" because her self image will evolve and she will keep finding new tools and materials to play with.  I have been here 7 years and I still tweak my appearance.  I'll get it right some day.  (BTW, I deliberately avoid making my SL appearance look anything like myself in RL.  This is my chance to be someone a little different.)

2. This one's for you as much as your daughter, and it has nothing to do with hair and eyes.  SL is very much like RL.  There are many very good people and wonderful places, and there are some that are not.  You can be embarrassed or frightened in SL, but you cannot be hurt.  You can always teleport home by clicking your Home icon, or you can just log out.  Exploring in SL is like being on vacation in a new country.  You walk around, soak in the sights, talk with people, and enjoy yourself.  And you develop your street smarts about when it's time to find somewhere else to wander. 

Good luck, Dad.  And good luck, daughter.  This is going to be fun.

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Thanks. We will try this tonight after she gets home. No worries, I will help when they ask but will not do it for them. She and her friends could not figure this out and she hated asking for help. It killed her to have to ask me how to break down and lubricate her new AR-15.


Based on the info from her syallabus, this is the only assignment in Second Life. I think from conversations with my daughter, the teacher is a big Second Life player and this might be a means to expose students to the game.


I will let you know how it goes and thanks again for the help.



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