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Inworld jobs - why so short and strange?


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Yeah.. I think its the right forum - if not, please move the thread.

I`m a DJ. RL & Inworld. And like all DJs, i need a job. And here we go: Inworld Employment threads.

Hiring DJs, 100% tips and contact data / name. 

Thats all. Where are all the useful things, that a DJ should know?

You want a DJ for your club - feel free to write down anything that will help with it. 


What DJs really wanna know:

US or EU timezone based schedule. Traffic in your club per week or at least overall. Stream server (do you have one or not, and if - what server are you using), mic/voiceover needed or not. GENRES!!! Goddamn there is so much music and DJs dont have anything. Most DJs spin like 3-5 genres and can mix in some different stuff, but not more (based on ClubDJs). Times/shifts: how long should be played, how many times per week blah. 

Do you need a liveDJ or just a moderator? Do you accept pure software DJs or should they have hardware too?

Expirience - every DJ has some experience and some of them have expectations too. As a DJ i like to learn things from other DJs, share my knowledge and just talk about it. And I cant do this with people who never used DJ gear or done a public DJ-set. 

And other details like: licensed stream (if owned by DJ), how many track the DJ has (legal), his promo-tracks source, his bandwith and what kind of hardware is he using (it makes a difference how he will connect to the server and how he works). 

Links to his demo mixes/tracks on soundcloud, mixcloud, youtube whatever. 

And specially the link to the club inworld! Its important - the DJ can check out the place, look at your staff board, check the traffic, lag blah. A link to your website or atleast facebook is pretty nice too.


Its just annoying to go inworld, get the right people, find someone who is online and answering.. And then dont get the right answer or find out that its the wrong club for you, wrong music style at all blubb...


I hope some people will read this and adjust their threads or at least think about it.

Its easier for both sides - you get what you want faster and DJs dont have to check every application inworld and lose so much time. 


P.S. Sorry for my bad english :robotmad:

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Thank you for posting this. stop.

I could type a book about it. stop.

A simple: "Welcome to Second life" will cover you . stop.


Want to "read" the book? When you feeeling bored, meet me in 3d world..

my fingers got tired lately and im using voice chat.

Im "always" there!


I will mention 2 things:

1 usd equals approx 250 Linden Dollars.

there are "more" venues than Avatars out there.



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You named all great and reasonable things, kinda essential to shorten the hiring process and eliminate people that don't fit. I don't know how it is with clubs today and do people search for best DJ's or just anyone willing to dedicate to the job and fill ins, it probably also depends of what kind of clubs you checked. When I was managing that the main problem was to schedule their shifts so that we don't have the same (good) DJ's all the time, to give the opportunity to new ones, and everything else could be fixed meanwhile.

I can give you one advice; if you can't find one that fits you, create your own and be an example of how things should be done.

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I found some clubs that are managed well and have liveDJ and pure software DJs :-)

Its just looking for a guestDJ sets - maybe i just wanna play there a set, not be a resident (usual thing in the RL) - its almost impossible to find what you want without spending a lot of time. 

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Well if I understand your meaning behind the post..

Most people, myself included that hire DJs really don't know that much about it (or we would just DJ ourselves).

For example, all I know (think) it comes down to for me is that the DJ gives me his/her url for the sound for the land.

To me, if you are a DJ.. you should take care of everything else.

I figure if you really need anything besides a place to put your stream.. then it is on you to let us know.

Now I don't run a club and just hire DJs every now and again. So if I did.. I guess I could see where some people would expect that I know what to put in an ad.


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Yeah sure there are people who dont know and dont care.. But there are also professional DJs with a lot of expirience and they expect more than just a newbie with software and music collection. 

For you - the DJ should take care of anything. OK - but he need to know what you really need - after this he can decide - it is the right job or not. 

And yeah i need to know more than just the SLURL to your club. Specially when i use my own server - its not preconfigurated, i can adust any settings for it.  

Once you have to manage a club, you will understand. There is a huge tech-side behind internet radio, its not so easy. Many things require knowledge in programming and/or scripting and knowledge in audio streaming at all.

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I`m already spinning at renoize club and was DJing at Insilico and other great places.

Its not about DJs posting their threads - its about club owner/manager/art director/whoever - they should write anything that a DJ needs to know. Specially because i see the same people posting week after week the same job application (and they dont get people).

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When a DJ contacts the person who needs a DJ, I would expect them at the time to state what sort of music they play,  their payment policy, and inquire about the days/times. If the club management likes the DJ, then they meet up and finalize the details.

When I was assistant manager, I looked at DJ's profiles to see if

1. they played at other places  (and what day/time)

2. how much would it be for 2 hours and is it a fixed fee + tips, tips only, or to cover the difference if the DJ did not receive a certain amount of tips

3. did they have their own stream

4. did they have their own fan group

I think the point in posting is to see who can they get, so they want to keep it general as possible. Then when the DJ and management comminicate inworld, then they will discuss things further.

Popular DJs tend to have managers who do all the leg work for the DJ so all the DJ has to do is show up and play.


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