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Attachment Points on other Avatars


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Hi Sarali, there's several ways depending on how you want it done:-

Internally (where am I attached?) can be done via llGetAttached

Remotely (where are you attached to?), this can be queried via llSay (and have the attachment check as above, then confirm/deny back via llSay)

Further options require the use of RLV, an enhanced script set that can be used to interface more directly with the target viewer.

@getoutfit or @getattach may well do what you're thinking of implementing.

Good luck!


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Can I do that to someone else?

It is in fact for RLV purposes, but the two RLV commands there only work for telling whether an attachment point has something attached or not, not what's attached.  My problem is that I'd like to know what's attached to where.  Ideally I was hoping there was a way to right click an attachment on someone else's avatar and know what attachment point it's set up with.

Having her put a script in every item so I can know where it's attached wouldn't work so well.  When I'm choosing an attachment point via RLV to manipulate (unequipping whatever's attached to it), it's hard to know what's what when there's so many attachment points in use nowadays.  And I hate choosing the wrong thing because that can be very embarassing for both of us, heh.

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If it's done with the intention of being RLV-enabled already, you miiiight be in luck. It's common to name objects with RLV features something like


so you could just extend this, inspect the attachment and then find out where it had been attached? Hardly conclusive, but it would let you tell objects apart.

A better method would be to swap whatever RLV commands you're using that replace attachments for @attachover, or add + prefixes to the name of the RLV folder you're trying to attach. A folder inside your #RLV folder named +Cuffs will 'add' cuffs instead of replacing any attachments on the forearms and ankles. Remember of course that now multi-attach exists, there is only the maximum limit of 35 total attachments - you can have 1, 2 or 10 attachments on a single point as long as you use 'add', + or @attachover.

If you need another option, feel free to get more specific. :)

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Ah alright!  This wasn't the adult forum, so I wasn't sure.  I'm fairly new to both being on the domination side of things and with playing with RLV stuff, but I'm doing my best to learn.  I have a sub who wears mostly mesh items, and quite a number of attachments.  When I try to remove her clothing, it lists all the attachment points that are in use, and I can select one to unequip whatever's on that point.  The problem is that it's hard to know what I'm going to unequip when I select, for example, "Spine".  Am I going to remove her tail, or her shirt?  She has quite a few different outfits, so it takes some getting used to.

It would be easier to be able to see what's equipped where, but most of the items I'm trying to remove in this scenario are labeled like normal clothing, so inspecting and checking out the name doesn't help sadly.  I may just have to learn with time what she equips where, but making a mistake and looking like a fool doesn't feel very dommy, ha.  And kind've ruins the mood temporarily...

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Talking technical stuff is fine here :)

I can certainly appreciate this problem, mesh attachments vary heavily in where they end up being attached, especially when rigged (the attachment point can't be changed). Unfortunately the combination of attachment points + mesh + a mixture of RLV and non-RLV items makes it pretty difficult to come up with a technical solution.

Personally, I never mind being asked (or commanded? hehe) to deal with my own clothing, or those with specific visions can pull me aside briefly (in OOC or IM) and we can work on such things together. I think showing this interest in the presentation of your submissive is very fulfilling on both sides, so I definitely wouldn't worry about it feeling awkward at first - the patience and awkwardness is typically worth it. My own wardrobe is vast and crazy, I wouldn't expect anyone to know too much about it. Perhaps to start out, you could make requests for specific themes?

Another option I've seen is the use of a Wardrobe system, where the sub would take photos of their outfits and accessories, and this would create an online, browsable collection on a webpage (with access open or private, and RLV to change into these outfits as an option). They seem quite fun, but very time consuming to set up. I wouldn't feel right making a recommendation toward a specific system as I've not used them myself, but I've seen some huge collections.


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I'm sure other people have similar experiences.

It's really no problem. :) RLV hasn't been around forever, and I've always had a fondness for communication rather than code when it comes to this kind of thing. It's not uncommon for someone to pull me to one side so they can tinker with my outfit, they don't always get it right first time but it's always good to try and see what they're imagining.

Another option would be to wait until the sub needs to AFK for a little while (allowing you to practice without undermining any power dynamic you've developed in their view). I've never minded seeing a slightly clumsy, human side as a fun contrast to awe-inspiring dominance. :)

I view it the same as certain poseball engines, it can be very... difficult to guess how some poses will look :P So time to experiment is great, and the odd giggle during set-up is expected (and sometimes a light-hearted distraction).

Good luck, though!

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I use a RLV device that helps a lot.  It works by making all the items in a given folder come off together when any one of them is removed. So if I have a mesh dress, I put it in a folder along with the alpha mask, and include an invisible systems skirt, and sometimes even a tweaked avatar shape.  Then when I take off (or someone else does it using RLV)  to invisible skirt, the mesh and the mask come off two, and if I had a special shape in the folder it automatically switches back to my default shape and turns my physics back on.   If it is a mesh shirt, I use an invisible systems shirt.  It works great for clothes that have flexi or other prim attachments too.  Like shoes or boots:  Left and right foot, left and right lower leg, system shoe shape and alpha mask all go in one folder, then taking off any one piece takes off all the rest.   It requires some work to get it set up right, but I find it is well worth the effort.  My friend who makes it calls it the "striptease helper", but I think of it as a wardrobe manager.


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