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echoing sound

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Hi, I thought I'd ask here to see if any of you have heard of this problem before I contact customer support to see if they can help me. All the sounds in second life have a echo to me, button sounds and such dont bother me so much to hear the echo but it makes music impossible to listen to. I have been all through the settings in preferences and all the settings on my sound card and nothing changes. If anyone has heard of this or knows what might fix it? Thanks in advance


side note* i have the same issue in every viewer i download...not just the offical release


evga mb~intel quad core2.4ghz~4 gig ddr3~nvidia 275gt card~creative x-fi aduigy sound card~vista 64bit

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Check all your speaker connections (both on the sound card end and the speakers ends).  I can't imagine the problem originating with a driver issue but drivers can be quirky so try re-installing the current driver (by re-installing I suggest you first remove the old driver before installing it again or updating it).  One (or more) of the audio cables could be faulty too (or loose).  It's also possible that your sound card is going sour on you.  It's not likely to be a viewer problem or an SL problem.......it's at your computer or the speakers.  You can try headphones to see if the problem persists......if not then you need to take a good, hard look at the speakers and the associated cables and connections.  If it persists you need to look at the card itself (and/or the driver).

If you have onboard audio try switching to it and see if you still have the problem.

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I just reinstalled the most current drivers and it did not help. It is difinatly a second life only problem. It is not my wires or card, i do online sim-racing and a few combat games and music and many other applications on my pc all the time that uses sound and this problem is only in sl. Not only in sl but every viewer I try with the exception of a beta of a third party viewer. I have been using the old beta  because it was the only one that worked without flaw for me but with all the mesh out there these days that viewer will not view it so I am not trying to work through my issues with the newest viewer. Thanks for the help.   :)

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It is difinatly a second life only problem.


No, it definately is not! Else we all would have that problem. But we don't. So it's a tech issue on your end only. Customer support can't help you here.

As you wrote yourself you have probs with many viewers except one that can't even show mesh. Hm hm hm ... maybe it's time to look for a new computer?

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Scotty Christenson wrote:

thanks for all the help. 
  I'm going to contact customer support and see if they can help me.

Don't waste your time... they won't help you.  I have no idea what's causing your problem, but I know all too well that Linden Lab doesn't have the infrastructure in place, nor the representatives knowledgeable enough to deal with issues as specific as this.

My advice is to go ask for help in the Firestorm support group and hope that there's someone there that can help you figure out what's up.  More often than not, someone there will be willing to work through it with you in IM... you will never get that sort of customer service from LL.

Good luck ...Dres

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Scotty Christenson wrote:

wth...are you kidding me. My computer is way more than fine. I didnt say the problem wasnt on my end I said it was with sl only. If you dont have anything good to say just keep your mouth shut.

Neither you nor I know whether your computer is fine as far as SL goes, so, in that instance, Orca may very well be correct.  Nevertheless, it's unfortunate that she advised you to get a new computer... I'm most certain that your issue can be resolved without having to resort to such extreme measures.

Perhaps she will look at her response to you, realize how unproductive it was and decide not to pull that crap again. In other words, don't make her issues your own... you have enough to deal with.

I wish you the best of luck.


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Thank you for everything. Yes I agree that LL support cant help after several emails with them. I do disagree however that my pc might not be big enought to run sl. I know about computers and build them and is no reason  performance wise that this pc shouldnt run it. I believe it to be a glitch or error. I will try firestorm and see if I can find any answers. Thanks again

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@ Scotty: you don't tell me when to shut up. Never! Got that, boy? What attitude! :smileysurprised: sheesh ...

@ Dres: I didn't pull crap. I told him it might be time to maybe look in a new computer. Since I didn't have much time and wanted to keep it short I didn't tell him to check his audiocard. But it's deffo a prob with his hard- or softwareware. Logic dictates it. And stumbling over his remark of not functioning viewers on his system anyway should make anybody go hm. :smileyindifferent:

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I'm not going to say Orca couldn't have stated her comment a little better.  But I will say her comment did not come across as an "attitude".  Curt or blunt.........yes.  Attitude or snotty.....no.  Worthy of a "wtf, shut up"?  Not at all.....the shut up part was definitely way out of line.  I almost gave the same advice about needing a better computer after your (curt and somewhat blunt) response to my first post:


I just reinstalled the most current drivers and it did not help. It is difinatly a second life only problem. It is not my wires or card, i do online sim-racing and a few combat games and music and many other applications on my pc all the time that uses sound and this problem is only in sl. Not only in sl but every viewer I try with the exception of a beta of a third party viewer. I have been using the old beta  because it was the only one that worked without flaw for me but with all the mesh out there these days that viewer will not view it so I am not trying to work through my issues with the newest viewer. Thanks for the help. 


It is not definitely (note the spelling) a problem originating in SL (even if the problem only shows up in SL).  It's also very unlikely to a problem originating in any viewer (regardless if it works on an older, 1.23 code based, viewer.....in fact that actually points directly at something on your end). 

You may build computers but it does not appear you understand much about the specifications of the hardware components that make up the computers you build.  That's like building a home entertainment system........most anyone can plug in the components and have an entertainment system up and running.  It's when problems crop up that all that plugging in that you did becomes not quite enough.  The problem is on your end.  Linden Lab cannot fix the problem when it's on your end because they don't have access to your end and nothing they "fix" on the SL end is going to fix a thing on your end.  And, Dres, is right (but not necessarily as he stated it) LL does not have the resources to help you with a problem on your end......try to get Hewlett Packard out with a problem that has all the markings of not a problem that they are responsible for (they'll come but you'll pay for it........in most cases a pretty hefty sum of real money).  They won't even "walk" you through troubleshooting beyond very general hints and tips (which they gave you in the form of a user,s manual).

You may not need a new computer but something in the computer is causing your problem.  That much I can almost guarantee.  You're retort to me after my first post told me that you don't want to explore fixing your problem.........you want someone else to do it for you.  Well, I'm not going to even try.......not after your "wtf, shut up" response to Orca.  Fix it yourself.  I tried to help and Orca made a suggestion..........you rejected both out of hand.  Try the Firestorm people......keep the attitude down though or you'll wind up in the same boat you are here.

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FYI on problem.....   1st off responces like the one above that go into drama i'm not even going to read. I DID NOT come here to type or read a bunch of that. Only trying to find help. LL customer support has turned out to be very helpful on the subject. I am having a large packet loss on this viewer that they believe is related to my router. Thank you to those who did try to help.

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I'm sure you didn't come here for drama.  I didn't respond (the first time) looking for drama either......I actually was trying to throw out some possible causes (using both my knowledge and experience).  I did not expect you to fall all over yourself thanking me, nor did I have a lot of confidence that my suggestions would fix your problem (it's an odd problem that I've never encountered nor had I heard of it before).  I only knew (with a lot of certainty) that the problem was not SL related and the most probable cause is somewhere in your hardware.  That's where I focused.  You did thank me but after you blew me off with your response by telling me it's definitely not on your end (which means you believed the problem was on LL's end.......which, as it turns out, was not true).  Had you not blown my suggestions off and stated that you had tried what I suggested without the "definitely" something to do with SL part (in other words, not blown me off) I would have tried to come up with something else to help.  I didn't (for the reasons I just stated).  I was fully aware that you wanted help and was curious about what actually was the cause.  I wasn't even upset that you blew me off........I just wasn't eager to suggest anything else and get blown off again.  Then I read your response to Orca..........okay, you're on your own now.  I wasn't going to help after that when before I read that I was completely open to offering something else (knowing you might or might not blow me off again...........I just wasn't eager. 

One thing you have to remember when you ask for help here.  We try to help because we actually want to help.  We don't get paid a single cent, we don't get recognition beyond some title that is automatically "increased" by number or posts, LL never comes here and tells us "nice work guys".  We do it for you..........that's it. Nothing more.  You don't like the answers you get then fine.  No one is going to twist your arm or shout at you (unless you tell one of us to "shut up").  You're the one with the problem......not the person trying to help. 

How many times did you tell the LL support person to "shut up"?  How many times did you tell the support person that the problem is not on your end but on theirs.......definitely?  It was on your end..........that router is on your end.  I missed it........but I'm not there and have no way to know that a router even existed on your end.

The drama started when you told Orca to shut up.  Good luck with future requests for help.  Be nice next time (even when you don't like what someone says) and you'll get as much help as the people in the forums can give......even from me.

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Scotty Christenson wrote:

FYI on problem.....   1st off responces like the one above that go into drama i'm not even going to read. I DID NOT come here to type or read a bunch of that. Only trying to find help. LL customer support has turned out to be very helpful on the subject. I am having a large packet loss on this viewer that they believe is related to my router. Thank you to those who did try to help.

ok. not sure how packet loss would cause sound echoing tho. it could I suppose but seems remote to me. like if the data is corrupt through packet loss (like unplayable) then the viewer just ignores/skips over it. is builtin design this and works the same way for all dl assets

just mention also that Peggy is the resident forum expert on packet loss and routers


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