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Object Rotation Orientation

revochen Mayne

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I need some help with setting an objects forward and up rotation based on its current rotation set. I tried using llRot2Up but wasnt able to figure out how to use it proper. The wiki wasnt a help with as its providing very least informations about.

I tried


vector currentRot = llGetRot();
vector rotToUp = llRot2Up(currentRot);



 but it doesnt seems to do what i need.


Anyone may point me to the right direction please? 

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First of all, llGetRot() returns a rotation and not a vector

Then when you know your forward direction by a vector: currentRot and know what it shall be: rotToUp

Wanted rotation is: rotation wantrotation = llRotBetween( currentRot, rotToUp);

You set your new rotation like this: llSetRot( llGetRot()*wantrotation);

You can get vector currentRot like this: vector currentRot = llRot2Fwd( llGetRot());



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Hi Doro =)

Yes, you are right. It was supposed to be a rotation type but the code doesnt solves my problem anyway. I  even wonder why its using a llRot2Fwd function when i want to get its up direction?

Thats the code im using in a test pyramide prim and just want it to rotate up based on its current rotation.

default{    touch_start(integer total_number)    {        rotation rot = llGetRot();        vector currentRot = llRot2Fwd(rot);        vector rotToUp = llRot2Up(rot);        rotation setRot = llRotBetween(currentRot,rotToUp);                llSetRot(rot*setRot);    }}


I'm messing with it for a few days now and start to pull out my missing hair soon. óò

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You need to clarify what it is that you want, what have you got and what do you want.
I am kind of lost.
You talk about: "setting an objects forward and up rotation based on its current rotation set".
I don't understand that.

A prim has a forward, a left and an up vector,
but they don't say anything about the prim rotation unless you know their coordinates.
A prim also has a rotation.
It always has a global rotation and in a link set it has a local rotation as well


  1. What have you got?
  2. What do you want?



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Ok sorry, the thing i'm searching for seems to be the objects upwards direction. Imagine a roly-poly doll, which always stands up by its own to achieve its up direction. So when the doll gets bumped and changing its x + y angle, how do i get it to stand up again as a non physical object?

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This would be one way to do it, I think:

vector size;default{    state_entry()    {     size = llList2Vector(llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_SIZE]),0);         }    touch_start(integer total_number)    {      vector pos =llGetPos();      llLookAt(<pos.x,pos.y, pos.z +size.z>,1.0,0.1);    }}


 That works for both physical and non-physical objects.   

How does bumping the doll move it in the first place, though, unless it's a physical object?

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Hello and thank you for your reply but this also doesnt seems to resolve my problem. llLookAt will point the X axis towards a target vector but all i want is the the Z axis going straight up.

Innula Zenovka wrote:

How does bumping the doll move it in the first place, though, unless it's a physical object?

The doll was just an example although its a baby im working on. The baby is changing its positions to either stand,  sit, crawl or lay and for thats what i need the proper orientation for based on its current rotation. I dont want to hard-code it and thought there is a function in LSL to rely on. I believe its about the llRot2Up and llRot2Fwd but i tried anything back and forth without success but more confusions about.

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And i just figured the objects local forward axis is the Y, left/right is X and up axis is Z. So i guess i rather have to use llRot2Left instead of llRot2Fwd... but how?! óò

It's so frustrating search way to long for a solution on and the wiki wasnt much of a help about. It even left more questions than it could answer. Also messing with quaternions is a pain. When running a few test i got values like <-0,0,1> which was totally new for me that there is a negative zero (-0) existing! Oô

So to bother you with my complains but i just had to, not feeling better tho. *sighs*

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Had to figure on the first test thats its not reliable for my purpose.

I had the baby in crawling position and want it to change into stand or sit which is just a 90 degree spin on its local X axis. When applying llLookAt it also turned on its Z axis and thats just what i want to avoid.

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If you simply want to move it 90 degrees on its local X axis, try this

rotation x90;default{    state_entry()    {       x90 = llEuler2Rot(<90.0,0.0,0.0>*DEG_TO_RAD);    }    touch_start(integer total_number)    {        llSetRot(x90*llGetRot());        x90= ZERO_ROTATION/x90; //invert the rotation for next time    }}


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