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Serious Scripter wanted for Breedable


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Serious Scripter Wanted

We are looking for someone that can script a prototype into a full working breedable pet within SL. We are taking bids on this job.


We have built the item we just need it scripting now

Contact us in game ( Damienthor Resident ) or email us out of game with your references and previous jobs that you have completed within SL and what type of pay you are expecting to receive as this will probably be a good month or more long project that will require serious dedication.

Thank you,

Dragon Heart & Maddy Heart

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A breedable ought to take more than a month or so. If you're truly dedicated to the project and not intending it to just be a short lived one(I am assuming here, probably not a good idea, but I am) you are going to need a scripter for much more than a month.

A scripter can be worth their weight in gold ten times over when it comes to this sort of project. Anyone who comes to you willing to put forth a month's worth of work, even if hard dedicated work, is not someone I'd be looking for, for a product like this, if I were you. Even being fully dedicated, that is just not enough time.

Your customers are going to want more than a month's worth of service from you, again I am assuming and probably shouldn't.

Breedables are typically ever changing, needing updates, needing fixes, needing enhancements, needing constant communication from all angles, that's not even going into the oops mishaps that updates or changes the lab performs that may or may not break how things function.....it's hefty work. Not that I am telling you what to do of course, just offering advice.

If you're expecting that a scripter will do the base work for this month or say, laying ground work for the end product but not sticking around for it's entire lifetime, you might want to state that up front. I know several scripters, including a few who have worked on breedables. I can't imagine any of them would just sign off after a month and pass the torch on to you(or anyone) with their hard work attached. They'd want to be in it for the long haul, the duration of the product line, or project. Not just in it until it's stable and ready for the market. Though I am sure those people exist. If it's what you're needing, make sure people know that. They can better make an informed decision without wasting your, or their, time.

Best of luck to you. It's always interesting to see new breedables on the grid. Hasn't been one yet that I didn't at least take a gander at for a bit.

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hi imatest ty for the reply


this is going to be a ongoing project, so far itts taken 6 month to be even happy with the design of pet lol, once i have a scropter on board he wont be leaving he will be full time employed by us :) this isnt going to be a flyby breedable like so many ive seen before

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