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Join multiple mesh objects


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Having an issue with joining multiple mesh objects. Ive tried every possible way that I know of to select all of the objects on my mesh model. A, Box select etc. In the pic below the model on the left  consists of 18 mesh objects and looks like its all selected after I join it. If I click the "Check mesh" button it shows the same info except its 1 mesh object not 18 which is correct. The same  model on the right is in Edit Mode and looks as if its all selected. Now whenever I preview in the SL viewer, I'm always missing parts as shown in the middle such as the face and legs. Depending on how I select all objects I get random missing parts. Is this a bug or some limitation? Or am I not selecting correctly?


Any help appreciated !




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hi :)

2 questions that will probably be asked is whats the  triangle  count in the SL mesh uploader and how many materials do you have assigned to the combined mesh in Blender ?

I beleive the max poly count is 64,000  and max number of materials is 8

Edited to add:

I just checked on something and it seems ok to have a higher than 64,000 triangle count in the uploader but having more than 8 materials will cause parts of the mesh to go missing .





also see drongles post here :  http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Too-many-vertices/td-p/1838313


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It would help if you said what modeling program you're using.  In the picture, it looks like it's probably Blender, judging by the orange selection lines, but really, it could be anything.

As or the disappearing faces, I can think of three possibilities:

1.  It could be you have too many materials.  SL can only support eight per surface.  If there are more than that, the faces the extra ones are applied to can end up beng ignored by the uploader.


2.  It could be you've got your normals reversed on those faces. If that's the case, then the faces are still there; you just can't see them from the outside, since they're poining the wrong direction.  To prevent this, always work with backface culling enabled in your modeling program, so you can see right away from which side your faces are visible.  To fix it, simply select the faces that are wrong, and reverse the normals on them.


3.  Perhaps something went wonky in the way you combined so many different meshes together.  It's not generally the best idea to combine more than two at a time.   If your program utilizes construction history, you should delete history from each object before you combine them, and delete it again afterward.  And of course, you should merge any duplicate vertices, if your joining process doesn't do it automatically.

If it's not any of those, I'm out of ideas, for now.  No doubt others will chime in with additional suggestions.

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