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Crazy Idea: Link the mainland to the linden homes via Jeogeot

Lastro Greenwood

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I had a bit of a brainstorm whilst flying around in these fine virtual skies

As a lot of people are aware Heterocera Atoll is linked with Sansara via a corridor. Wouldn't it be nice to have a corridor linking the Linden Estate homes to the mainland via Jeogeot ("Southern Continent")?

I did the math for the two corridors between Sansara and Jeogeot and from Jeogeot to Linden Estate Homes.

The corridors would go from Stoneybrook to Ratcatchers Hide and from North Forepore to Teslin

Stoneybrook to Ratcatchers Hide
Start 262912,211968
End 262912,229888

70 regions long
17.92 kilometers

North Forepore to Teslin
Start 263680,239872
End 263680,251392

45 regions long
11.52 kilometers

All up it would require 115 regions (prob "Openspace" regions although Homestead would prob perform better)

Provided second life uses some kind of hyperviser like vmware vcloud, they could easily add these regions without any major impact on resources (run the entire length of the corridors on one meaty server and as load increases, if possible without the server having a fit, vmotion it to a lower loaded server)

The journey for me (given the fact that I am an Aussie so I can only travel at about 10m/s without risking getting my head desynced into my ass) is approx 47 minutes in the corridors + what ever time it takes me crossing the continents.

Another option although this would require a technological change in the infrastructure of the grid would be having "warp" regions. These regions are broken up into halfs, the first half which you cross into is like a grace area, giving someone who wondered in by mistake a chance to avoid getting "warped". The later half of the region is the warp zone, the moment you enter it, you and your vehicle is teleported to the end point of the warp region. When you arrive in the end point you are located in the grace area, halfway between the warp boundary and the region crossing boundary (giving glitchy vehicles a chance to deglitch if they spaz out)

In addition, when you arrive you arrive in a certain part of the grace zone thus preventing collisions.

And given how things are in this crazy little grid of ours, I would not be surprised if there were advisory speeds to prevent carnage.

Mechanically this could be done just by making it like a normal crossing with a neighbor that is symbolically linked to a far away region. This would allow other people to avoid collisions (because they could see incoming traffic) and prob much cleaner to implement. Might already be possible depending on how things run under the hood.

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The free Linden Homes are intended as starter homes to give people a taste of owning a home.  The plan when they were introduced was to make them basic and as a resident got more comfortable in the house and wanted more prims or features, they would buy land on the mainland or a private estate and move.  For this reason LL probably isn't going to do anything that enhances them more or costs them more money. 

If they are going to add 115 sims for sailing or flying, they will do it around the mainland where people not only are premium members but also pay higher tiers, to enhance its appeal.  Putting in corridors to the Linden Homes islands would pretty much benefit only those people with free homes.  Most everyone else living on mainland or on a private estate has no desire to go to Linden land. There just isn't anything there to interest them.  They would prefer to the sims added around the mainland or between mainland continents.

As far as region crossings, they should improve sooner rather than later.  A new way to make sim crossings better with less crashes is in beta now.  In fact a major pile on test was conducted this past week.  Read more about it in the Technology Forums.

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Right, let's forget about the Linden ghettos, let's have widened oceans around the mainland continents instead, like on Gaeta V (althought it's a shame we have  some bottlenecks there due to clueless land management by LL). For example Sansara, our oldest and still most beautiful continent, doesn't allow a circumnavigation after like almost 10 years of existence. They did a lot in regards of infrastructure thereabouts but still didn't finish this most noble project. Neither on the Japanese continent, Nautilus or Corsica. With the rate SL is losing sims it shouldn't be a problem bringing those sims to a better use by making oceans and corridors.

Once ppl see LL is delivering some better quality of life they could even sell more land to the residents.

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There used to be more water around the edges of many of the mainland continents but as people who like to sell land persuaded LL to sell those uninhabited Supposedly Linden Protected  Sims we started to lose those waterways. I a land seller that shall be unnamed (if you have been around I'm sure you could figure it out) started purchasing some of them on the second continent. I ran into this because I purchased water front land (which came at a high price back then) right next too the linden protected sim that was full of water and fun for all to play in only to have it bought buy a certain land seller. So don't always believe that Linden Protected land is really protected. If someone with enough money asks they will sell it no matter if it inconveniences others. So people wanting to buy the edge Sims have messed up some of this for everyone else.

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I'm with you on this, Orca. I live on Jeogeot, love to sail, and would love widened oceans around and more corridors between continents. I've tried to make it round most of the continents, and it usually becomes an excercise in futility, due to private ownership. Many owners are understanding, but it only takes one to completely block a passage and undo the good intentions of everyone else.

No offense to those who live in Linden homes, but they are designed as seperate starter homes and not many residents need to visit them. Although ocean corridors would be nice, we need them first around the established mainland.

My private fantasy would be to be able to sail north from Jeoget up to Sansara (taking in the LEA sims on the way), and beyond. A happy pipedream, I know.


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if linden ever did connect the Homes to old mainland then they would relocate/move them closer on the grid. like only 1 or 2 sims off a coast

don't think they will ever do tho


the Homes kinda like gated communities. to provide a predictable experience while new residents finding their feet. predictable on their home sim at least

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