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Why might my account balance be showing -L$7 (minus 7) when I haven't paid for anything?

Bacon Kimono

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It was -L$3 a couple of weeks ago and now it's gone down to -L$7.


I don't have a premium account and I haven't bought or earned any lindens so my balance should be at L$0 right?


EDIT: Ok, I just saw another thread which lead me to a transactions page. One of the groups I belong to has been taking money for Group Liability whatever that is.  I should have checked more of the older posts first. Sorry to bother you.

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The most likely answer is that you are paying group liabilities for some group(s) you belong to.  Groups are charged for listing parcels in search, for example, and members share a prorated portion of those charges unless the group owner has turned that off. Some group owners aren't even aware that others in their group are charged.  

Open your Transaction History from the Acccounts link on your dashboard at secondlife.com.  It will show you where any expenses have been incurred.  Then contact group owners if you need to ask for a change (or leave the groups if necessary).

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