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I need your landmarks!


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I've recently created a youtube for the HH Building School, and have a few videos made, and queued for delivery later on. My goal is to have a weekly tutorial video, and hopefully start up  a weekly hotspots video.
Tutorials are self explanitory, but the HotSpots I would like to eleborate a little more on.. and this is where I need your help.

Its not always easy to find cool places to visit in secondlife, and I thought it would be cool to show some people places each week that they can check out! There a a huge variety of sims, and some of the awesome ones are hidden under all the clubs. I'd like to bring them to the surface in these videos. I'll do three sims in each video, and highlight some of the cool attractions in them! These can be your personal sim if you think its awesome, or someone elses you thought was awesome! Just send me the LM and tell me why :D I'd like the sims to -attempt to- not be adult, since not everyone is able to visit those regions. Though if it is awesome and A, I will still use it :)

Another thing I would be interested in is AVATAR's, I would love to have a new AVATAR each video.. Which there is going to be a lot of videos...And I am not that rich :P If you have an AVATARor OUTFIT you are willing to throw at me for a video I would be more than glad to use it. I will happily mention you, and your shop in the video! Free outfit, Free advertisement and lots of people seeing your design...Win=Win? (I'm so good at persuading people to sponsor what I'm doing LOL)

Anyhow, I hope this all made sense and people are out there wanting to help out!

You can check out the channel here:


Hope to hear from some of you, IM, Notecard, Reply to the forum, I'm open to all!


(Heres a bit of Braggery, Channels been "open" for about seven hours and has 19 subscribers... I think its progressing nicely :>)

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I want to support you if I can, as I like the idea...

I am custom designer, and have a shop aswell with a bit of clothes and skins...  Send me a msg inworld and I will see what I can find for you. (I hope you got a bit of paitence as I am not much inworld at the moment, due to health issues). or check out the shop by going to our website, click the banner below, choose Lis'ten and theres a link to our sim. (which you should check out aswell, its very well made, 3 sims attached, for flying, for big boys and their big toys *giggless...) But our sim's are rated as adult, for me to be able to display my skins... If you like it there, let me know and I will talk to my partner and our friend, as they are the ones that deals with the sim's...

Anything else I can help with I would be happy to do.. At the moment I can not create something new, as it seems me and SL have a bug or issue, each time I make something (or wear it) it says it can not be found in database.... But support is working on it these days...


Lis / madam Martian

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Yes! I'd love to model any sort of Avatar people are willing to send me, I want to sort of have an extra catch to watching the video. Not being the same avatar all the time might attract a bit more attention. Though it can be hefty to purchase a full new avatar, or outfit each week. 
Though currently I am more concerned with getting more landmarks, I have enough for the first video..Which should be going up around friday.

I'll be sure to change AVI to Avatar, just a way I abrreviate it :D

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