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Forgot to mention about 1st message


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I forgot that I followed instructions to go through and try the beacons, and highlights and cause the land to disappear to look for something underground; didn't see anything.

I apologize for doing it this way but I can't find where I comment on posts; the instructions said there should be a "comment" link but I don't see it.

 I just found out I am locked out. I went to try and reset the island but I can't get onto it  and the place profile and the "about" says N/A.  

"Yes, I am sure. It was the name above his head, it was the name listed in the chat dialog; he was who I blocked", but, I don't want to do something I'm not suppose to; I just wanted to warn others but you are right, what if somehow used someone else's name, if that's possible. 

Finally support sent me an email. They told me to go in and change the scripts. I can't get to them so I told them they would have to do it from their end. I hope they do.  


*****I just got off the live chat and when I told the operator I had already filed 4 reports, he decided to help me. He went in and enabled Physics and several other items that I didn't have enabled and I was able to land on the island again without any problem.  I didn't know about these settings and how important they are.  I didn't know that land could come under attack.  Thank you everyone for all your help and advice. You are the ones that gave me the right answers by giving me the right directions to go in. I am really grateful to you:matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:*

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Greetings, Nikilei

I'm understanding how upset you must be feeling, but please, you do need to remove the name of the avatar from your thread, as that is against Terms of Service. (Are you absolutely sure he is the perpetrator of the grief.)

You sound a little bit panicked in this moment, and I am considering a thorough reply to you.

For now, regarding how to add comments to your own thread here on the Answers section, you are right, there is no "reply" or "comment" button.  You can add more to your original post, though, by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit". 

Also, at the bottom left hand corner of every reply you get on Answers, there is a "permalink" button.  You can also click on that to add responses to individual posters.


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Nikilei, Echo Hermit is giving you good advice, listen to him.

I'm not aware of any griefing tool that causes land to disappear, let alone piece by piece.  If it is really doing that, that's one very nasty tool.  I suspect that it's more likely it's some form of "masking" prim that is making it APPEAR that your land is dsappearing.

But either way, this situation is no fun.  Do two things.

1.  Abuse Report the suspect using the Help/Report Abuse tool in world.  It will help if you have pictures of the griefing to serve as screenshots, but it's not necessary.  Fill out the report as factually as you can.  Submit a new report for each and every incident of griefing.  You will not receive any communication from LL except an email from "Indra Abuse" acknowledging your report, but they WILL investigate.

2.  In addition, file a Support Ticket on this web site. If the region appears to be off line, use the "region restart needed" support category.   If you are a Premium member, use Live Chat for a faster response.  If you lease your land from a private estate owner, contact them as well and advise them of the problem.

Also, remove the name of your suspect from your post, using the Edit function.  It's a violation of forum rules to name names, no matter how much you think they deserve it.

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Excellent, Nikilei. I'm sure I speak on behalf of the others too when I say it's great Live Chat were able to help you with your issues. :smileyhappy:

Things can be very overwhelming sometimes, and there is much to learn.  I'm a mainlander, so am myself not familiar with all the settings on privately-owned sims.

Regarding your griefer issue too, I think it can be a rite of passage, and should you encounter another one, you will feel less violated and harrassed, especially as you have rights to freeze, eject, and ban.

I don't know if you have auto-return set on your land, but I do strongly suggest you do.  I also strongly suggest you have a good read of the relevant parts of the official Second Life Knowledge Base (I still often refer to this, and learn something new every day, even after being a resident of Second Life for almost five years).


I hope things run a lot more smoothly for you from now on.  Always remember someone will be here to answer any questions you may have, or to point you to where you need to be to obtain help.



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