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Having problems downloading second life on Windows 7?

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So my friend was messaging me the other day and he told me about second life so I am brand new to this and have never heard of this ever till he told me. But because I have been so busy lately I have not been able to actually use this or try anything and finally tonight I was able to download the program and see if I could try it. The problem is I tried to download the program and this is the message I gott on Windows 7-


"Second life is unable to run because your video card drivers did not install properly, are out of date, or are for unsupported hardware. Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers and even if you do have the latest try reinstalling them. If you continue to receive this message contact customer service."


The strange thing is I have all the latest drivers installed and have not really had this problem with any other prgrams I have downloaded from other sites so I am unsure as to why this happened here with second life. Any help or solutions would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance- John

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If Windows update installed "new" drivers for you, the video driver can easily be out of date.  It did that to me a few years ago--ubstakked an old driver over a newer one that I had gotten from Nvidea.  I hear something like that has happened with the latest Windows update, but I have no details.  

To check, go to the manufacturer site for your video card and see if your driver is still the most recent.


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In general it is best if you can tell folks about your system--you'll likely get more helpful answers that way.  The numbering on video cards isn't particularly obvious so unless you are a bit of a hardware geek you may not be able to tell if your card meets minimum specs.

Not only may Windows have gotten the wrong driver for you, there are a few reported cases where the newest driver for a card doesn't seem to work with SL and you have to roll back to the second newest driver. 

The more we know, the more helpful we can be.

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  • 2 years later...

i have this problem myself, except i get no video card error, in fact mine is up todate. what happens is i down load it itstarts to run  i get the detecthardware box and vfs box then it just disappears and nothing starts... anyone got a clue why?  i was running it fine till they put the update in it then all of a sudden i cant use it.  i have firestorm but i dont like it..

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i tried beta version i had same problem, there is i feel a problem with the code in the new release i have allot of win crash logger pop ups. i have no trouble running two other viewers.  this is just my opinion mind you.i tried opening the crash logger in second life file nothing happened.

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well i was wrong, i up dated my grahics driver and that sovled the problem even with the update. it was hard to find at first becasue windows siad there was no update. so i went to the puter website and found one. so it works.. thank you for putting up with me and listening ot me rant lol.. but in the same token im glad you all are here and stuff ideas and suggestions to people. you rockkkk.

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