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Hacken Hawks

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Since 2009, I’ve punctually paid my rent, (30.000 L) for a homestead.


This month, as each before it, I did as well but apparently a glitch in Linden’s payment system made it not as visible. So she, the landowner, required me to pay for the rent, which I already did.


As to prove that I had done so, I enclosed in a notecard a capture of my transaction History proving that I had bought 30.000 on the last day of june and that I sent them to her.


I even got in contact with Linden Support Centre which confirmed that I had, in fact transferred that amount to her account on that same day.


Unbothered, she returned me the whole objects in the Homestead. Even if I did not pay which is not the case here, perhaps a one day grace would have been desirable.


Anyway, she then acknowledged that it was her fault, admitting it was her fault and apologized. Not that it changed a thing because return was not an option since in a few hours she had a Gorean furniture seller where I had my home since 2009 and the things where returned to me in the most uncaring way.


Ok, she has admitted it was her fault. That I did pay. That he shouldn’t have done what she did.


I’ve asked her to refund me the money I paid her in exchange for nothing but despite admitting things she doesn’t seem inclined to do such thing.


Having paid for something I won’t be able to use, and as she has admitted she did wrong, she owes me 30.000L.


So. 1.- Be extra careful and 2.- How do I get my Lindens back from her?


Thanks for your help.

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This is typically a resident to resident dispute Hacken, and LL generally do not interfeere in these. All you can do (with no guarantee there will be a follow up from LL, not even talking of a refund) is to file an abuse report. Make sure you include all the possible proofs and details about your payment, screenshots, transaction history records, IMs, chat logs with the landlord). They may take action against this person (or may not), this is something you will never know as LL investigates the ARs but wil not send you any update on your case.

Wishing you the best of luck. (btw, please edit your post and remove the person's name, it is against the forums guidelines and you could be the one getting in trouble)


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Thanks for your comments, I edited it and removed the landowner's name; having had a peaceful SL I didn't know that rule existed since I haven't felt the need to ask for help until this day.


I will wait until monday and then will do as you suggest. Were it a smaller amount of money or hadn't she admitted she did wrong I wouldn't have cared about asking for my money back, but I guess I should do it, how very unfortunate.


Again, many thanks for your time.



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You are most welcome Hacken. I can understand how you feel. I know how much these situations can hurt. I was ejected once from a homestead and had all my items returned in block as coalesced objects. It was even more painful than just the money issue... :smileysad: I am wishing you all the best again, sincerely. :smileyhappy:

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I sympathize with you.  I once rented a homestead with my business partner for our business and we paid rent on time every month.  One day I logged in to an IM from the estate owner telling me that the sim was being repossessed and I had to clear out by the end of of they day or lose everything.  There was still two weeks rent left on the rent box.  This effectively shut down our business until we could locate another property for it and rebuild it which took a few weeks.  I was angry thinking that although we had faithfully paid the tier on time, the estate owner squandered the rent money instead of paying it to LL.  I got even angrier when I found that the estate had NOT been repossessed but sold to another estate.  Within 24 hour after vacating it, another tenant was in place under the new estate owner.  I understand business was business but the estate owner I rented from obviously knew he was selling the sim and could have notified us so that we could have located new property and moved without disrupting our business for weeks.

I suspect that your estate owner did what they did because they found someone willing to pay a higher rent and made up the story about not receiving the rent.  Then to add insult to injury they have effectively stolen 60K lindens from you, the original rent plus the duplicate payment, since you did not have use of the homestead.  Having been an estate owner myself it strains credibility that they didn't know they had your money.  Their account would have been 30k richer and few people would fail to notice that.  Even if there was a rent box malfunction, they should have check their actual account record for your payment., if for no other reason than to reconcile what their account balance actually was compared to the rental system records. 

You should insist on a full refund of the 60K and tell them if they don't refund it within 24 hours you will file a criminal complaint with the FBI for internet fraud.  Then do so if you don't get your money back since you seem to have a very well documented case and they admitted their 'error' *cough*.. Here is the link  http://www.fbi.gov/scams-safety/fraud/internet_fraud/. You may not get your money back, but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that they have been reported as the thieves they are and could possibly face RL legal consequences.  As shady as they appear to be they may also have problems with their taxing authority if they haven't been reporting their income accurately and paying the taxes due.

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Thanks a lot for your input too, Amethyste.

True; all the chances you mention are possible; however I'm not that sure the trouble that implies doing all those things are worth so much effort.

I know, more than a possiblility it's some sort of moral obligation for me to proceed as you say so as to help to retire those with unsocial behaviors be it inworld or out there so that they don't have a chance to repeat what they've done with me.

But calling law enforcers is perhaps a bit too much, so I will report the landowner despite firmly believing that not only I won't know the outcome of my report but, even more so, I can bet no action will be taken at all.

With that, it won't count as resignation. 

One thing I won't understand is why can't I mention the one who did all this so as to let others know who are they dealing with. Are we protecting the name of baddies here?.

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Hacken Hawks wrote:


One thing I won't understand is why can't I mention the one who did all this so as to let others know who are they dealing with. Are we protecting the name of baddies here?.

Forums can be full of drama.  If naming names were allowed people would come here and post all kinds of things that aren't true about other people or companies out of anger or revenge or for other nefarious reasons .  Even if something had some truth to it there generally is two sides to every story and the a lot of the time the truth lies some where in the middle.  However you only see one side of a story .  Rarely does someone post the other side. 

A good example of this was a post that someone posted in the lifestyles and relationships forum about their relationship with an un-named partner a while back.  It was very insulting and derogatory towards the partner, which I suspected was exaggerated quite a bit.   I happened to post a reply to it  trying to give some perspective to the OP..  Well the person who got raked over the coals in the post IM'd me in world because they saw my post and thought I was a reasonable person. They had a need to tell someone their side just to get it off their chest I guess.  They told me their side.  Of course I know neither of these people and can't say for sure what the truth is, but after hearing both sides, I suspect I was right about the OP.  The truth was being distorted in my opinion and they left out quite a few 'facts' to gain 'support' for their own behavior. If their post had been able to name names. the other party would undeservedly suffer some harm to their reputation

This is not to say that all posts from people that have been done wrong are not factual, so don't take this as my opinion on yours, but as a general reason why it is not allowed.

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