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Earning money question


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I know that in SL, the currency is called Linden Dollars, or L$, and that you can get it in several ways. 


1) buy it over the internet.  This I have a problem with as my RL funds are very tight at the moment. 


2) "Getting a job in - game".  However this is done, I won't have time, due to real life. 


Are there any other ways please? 

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Well... you can play the "Linden Realms" game and pick up a few L$, but not much for the amount of time you have to spend doing it. Other than that, howeverm there really aren't many oppourtunities in SL to just do something mindless for a few hours and rake in a pile of L$.

L$ are money. You either exchange real-world money for L$, or you earn them. You're not going to just get them for free.

However, there's a lot you can do in SL that requires no L$. There's lots of free stuff in SL. If money is tight, stick to the freebies and don't worry about L$.

Seriously though, you get more that L$250 for just one us dollar, so for what you can earn in a few hours at a minimum wage real-world job, you can buy a lot more L$ than you're ever likely to earn inside SL, unless you have a skill set that is in demand and sufficently advanced to earn a lot, fast. (Things like being a very good artist in Photoshop, or having mad skills as a programmer and making really cool and innovative scripted stuff, or having fantastic skills with Maya or other 3D design tools and making stuff for sale inside SL.) 99% of the people in SL don't just walk in with skills that can earn them money here. You need to learn how things work, and try your hand at various forms of content creation and services offerings, and build the needed skills before you're going to find a niche where you can earn money here.

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You can join shop groups that will give you group gifts occasionally (which are free).  CoCo is a great one to join.  All of her past free gifts are available in her shop when you wear the tag and some are mesh.  Anything else is going to 'cost' you some time and effort to 'earn' those L$.

You may find yourself in a better position to purchase L$ at some future point.  For now, relax, grab good freebie stuff and join groups that will give you quality gifts on a regular basis.  Enjoy your SL.

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To get $L's you are going to have to invest time or money. Whatever you do please don't go around asking for handouts or begging.  This is considered rude at best and you will find yourself ejected and banned from a lot of places for doing it. It is also not a good way to make friends.

Time can be traded for $L's by getting a job in world or by taking the time to play games that reward you in $L's or in contests.  The later will take more time than getting a job as you are relying on the chance of winning so there is no guarantee.  Even if you are lucky, you'll have to spend a lot of time in order to accumulate enough to buy quality things.

Even using freebies only is going to cost you time to track down the high quality ones.  The easiest way is to go to freebie stores.  However, while some of the items in freebie stores are OK, there is a lot of poor quality items offered too.  To get the  quality ones you will need to visit stores to find the one or two items generous merchants sometimes give for free or join groups for group gifts. You also can participate in hunts etc.

If you don't have or don't want to spend the time, look at how you spend your RL money. Is there some minor thing you can forgo in order to have a few  bucks a week to buy L's?   Give up buying lunch and brown bag one or two days a week, give up one or two of those latte you buy,etc.   If you can afford a computer and internet, with a little effort you can afford $L's. You may just have to adjust your priorities.



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I would never DREAM of asking for handouts/charity, but thanks to those whov'e put L$ in my character's wallet(or whatever it's called.) 


With the money, I putchased a human - shape avatar shape called "Hardsuit" and a feline one called "Sabretooth" being a fan of Ravage from the G1 Transformers. 


But please, don't put any more cash into my wallet please!  I'll work out a way of getting it myself. 





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