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Land Help

James Aichi

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Hi James, You can look in the marketplace for land, or if your inworld you can search for land also, make sure you read the covenant before you buy any land to check what they allow or dont allow on that particular sim. Good luck

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It might help if you first decide what kind of environment you wish to have.  Beach?  Mountain?  Snow?  Flatland?

You can purchase mainland property if you are a Premium Member.  You pay tier directly to Linden Lab.  You can purchase land on an estate and pay tier to the owner of the estate.  Either way, you pay tier even if you 'buy'.

You might try renting first if you are undecided.  There is so much out there and so much variety.  Look through the rentals, etc in the Land forum.  That might give you a taste.  Good luck!

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