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rezzer packager wanted

Spider Mycron

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   i need to create a rezzer packager help me to package my whoile building into one Box and rez it any time.

so i can use the pachager to rez package my building and rez it any time

at the same time i want to sell my building as a package


other people should be able to buy the packager from me to sell their own buildings and rez it


IM me please if you interested

p.s: i want to use this packager in other grid not main sl grid.



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Maybe the "Builders Buddy" would be right for you then. The scripts are open source and GPL licensed so there is no real problem exporting them to any grid. Some grids are using different dialects of the LSL script language though. Maybe you should ask for support at your target grid too...


The Builders Buddy is available at the Builders Brewery in the Freebie section

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