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Vivienne Schell

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    Member of the Order of the Holy Prim

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  1. Residents presenting as Child Avatars shall be prohibited from the following: Engaging or participating in any event or location where nudity and/or sexual activity is present, encouraged and/or expected. This does not mean that an AR might be successful (See "accidental" events). But it certainly means that the Child Avi Player has to leave once nudity is present. Nudity on M rated sims is allowed, and can therefore be expected. In these regards, it does not matter who is there "first" or comes "later" or at which pont the adult avi player goes nude. And what for would you AR the adult avi player? For executing his right to go nude? Or what exactly?
  2. Ever was, Brodiac. Nothing changed there. What has changed is that Child Avi Pilots are demanded to show respect for the inhabitants of M rated sims who like sunbathings without kids now.
  3. I strongly doubt that an AR would be successful in such a case. But yes, to avoid any kind of such trouble, it might be a good idea to leave the place without much complaining a soon as possible. You also could try to AR the guy who dropped undies for: "Promoting or normalizing sexual attraction to minors as a form of identity or sexual orientation." But I do not think that this would be successful, either. In my opinion: The rules on what is "Moderate" did not change. Nudity is allowed there. So, if you go to a moderate rated sim using a child avi you must expect nudity and act accordingly.
  4. "So even if I'm wearing my modesty later and a swimsuit and I arrived on the beach before the nude adult, and it's not a nudity beach, then I'm still at fault? The word present pretty much means that." Apparently. I find it problematic, because basically this means that a child avi pilot must leave any moderate rated place once an adult avi piilot drops undies and whatsoever. But like it or not, that´s how it is now.
  5. Residents presenting as Child Avatars shall be prohibited from the following: Engaging or participating in any event or location where nudity and/or sexual activity is present, encouraged and/or expected.
  6. Some people believe SL is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.
  7. I do not think that it causes disruption. Do not overestimate the impact of child play. There are not so many people running child avatars, and the ToS changes basically do not change anything for the est. 95 percent users who never did and never will use a child avatar or actively interact with one. I doubt that more than a "handful" of child players ever really "resided" on A rated sims, and if, these can easily move to M rated sims, without much fuss, or change their sim to M if they really own one. The entire thing will pass almost unnoticed by the vast majority of users, no need to worry.
  8. Everything is ARable. Even drowning in Linden Water. You could AR Governor Linden for that.
  9. Well yeah, but you could apply after that. I am sure that you will be appointed.
  10. An inworld group isn´t a public forum. Anyways, do not flee. Tell them to shut up, because it´s your bloody right as child that they do so and that you will not accept the ongoing, outrageous surpression they impose on you by being adults. That will make you legions of friends.
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