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  1. looking for someone who does custom tattoos of good quality (did post in wanted part but no response ) its not a huge tattoo but is like on the side of leg/ankle i have tried but it seems impossible to do with normal LL templates and and given up with blender etc before my head explodes lol so if anyone does this kind of thing feel free to reply here and then we can talk about details in world Thanks Jace Freedom
  2. Hi all looking for someone who does custom tattoos of good quality its not a huge tattoo but is like on the side of leg/ankle i have tried but it seems impossible to do with normal LL templates and and given up with blender etc before my head explodes lol so if anyone does this kind of thing feel free to reply here and then we can talk about details in world Thanks Jace Freedom
  3. Yeah found it thanks was no match bun and different hair base
  4. Freedom901

    Guys Hair

    Hi all anyone know who the guys hair in this pic is by? thanks Jace
  5. Hi all just wondering looking for a beach kinda place that has rezz right s cano rezz a pose for a pic anyone have any suggestions? thanks Jace
  6. i asked a similar question awhile ago u have to use the 3D settings on either photoshop or blender etc there a 3 d avitar u download called ruth or something that way u can do tattoos no seems etc i looked into but way to complicated for me
  7. Hi all i have made tattoo's in the past using standard LL body templates but have always struggled making sleeve and leg tattoo that kinda wrap around the leg as its almost impossible doing this using the standard templates. any idea how this is done as i have searched youtube etc but cant find anything i imagine some kind of 3d avitar program must be used (i use photoshop) ??? asked in creation section no answers any help would be most appreciated thanks Jace Freedom
  8. Hi all i have made tattoo's in the past using standard LL body templates but have always struggled making sleeve and leg tattoo that kinda wrap around the leg as its almost impossible doing this using the standard templates. any idea how this is done as i have searched youtube etc but cant find anything i imagine some kind of 3d avitar program must be used (i use photoshop) ??? any help would be most appreciated thanks Jace Freedom
  9. surprise surprise shame they lost out to lelutka hey and now hdpro 50l cheaper lol
  10. Hi all looking for someone who might be able to make two t shirts....most be male belleza jake and female legacy perk mesh fit we want a name/logo on each shirt (to be discussed along with price) if there any designers out there or anyone knows anyone who does this type of thing please let me know here or can contact me in world thanks Jace Freedom (freedom901)
  11. ty so much that fixed it big huggssssss
  12. hi all my gf has just brought the legacy body but have a issue with the tattoo on her chest is there a solution to this have posted a pic of issues any help be great thank you Jace Freedom
  13. Hi all just a quick question about if i was gonna go premium how does it work? do you get land and then can decide if you want a linden home or just the piece of land and get ya own home etc? thanks jace
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