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Nicole Cordeaux

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Everything posted by Nicole Cordeaux

  1. It really has been a long journey for Larry and I when it comes to this guy that has bothered us both for so long. I've actually submitted so many AR's on him to no avail. I've also had some of the people that I know he's harrassed as well submit AR's including family and friends. I'm a pretty nice gal, not really mean or anything but it's been hard. If he ever goes off on me again, I'm just gonna mute him....after reporting him so many times it's just easier for me to mute him. If he makes a new alt, it's easier to just mute him each time. As far as my groups, I left all of them so that he wouldn't harrass me in them....and he has, but I learned about hiding groups. As soon as I started joining groups again I immediately hid them, so hopefully what happened to me that one time in my groups won't happen again. I think he's conceeded to the fact that I no longer want to be with him and that I am now with Larry. Thanks for all the awesome advice.
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