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2408 Alekseev

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Blog Comments posted by 2408 Alekseev

  1. The market is US, WE are the market, we, the merchants, each of us and as a total. All the situation woke me up, but it takes us all to actually do something about.

    What we need now is to stop somehow the practices of dumping the prices policy and unfair competition.

    That's heavily influenced by the thefts of intellectual property, and here I see in LL pilot project of deleting the stolen products from inventories a strong solution. Hurry, oh, please, hurry, soon you will need to publish the 3rdQ figures, which can not look good and that will create a strong need of better 4thQ figures, and now WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT BY NOW.

    We, the merchants and LL are interested in the same purpose here: neither merchants without LL support, not LL without merchant's efforts will raise the figures.

    So, please, merchants, stop the totally idiot unfair competition and the prices dumping. There is work in every product we make and there are also work in marketing, protecting our products against theft, PR, etc. Please, merchants, let's have each of us some inner talks about our personal self-esteem and the respect for our own time and work before deciding the price for our products. Please have in mind the danger of further dropping in economy figures when you set the prices, and if you feel the temptation of setting it so low so you can destroy a market, just quit SL for 24 hours and go see a therapist, instead of affecting us all.

    The idea of the World Financial Crisis pressing down SL economy is NOT ABSOLUTELY TRUE. SL is RL alternative as economy and financial situation too and sometimes they do behave the same, sometimes in opposition, but as SL is our creation (everywhere we look we see our creations on LL background), we can heavily influence our figures. WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT, that's the truth.

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