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Denim Robonaught

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Posts posted by Denim Robonaught

  1. New renter promo: Rent 4 weeks, get one week free!

    Parcel 1
    1232 SQM: 784 SQM Terrain, 112 SQM Dock, 336 SQM water // Location: Dockside
    Allocation: 605Li // 750L$ per week
    Note: Medium canal depth, motorboat approved, sailboats should be ok but REZ to check.



    Parcel 2:
    1232 SQM: 784 SQM Terrain, 112 SQM Dock, 336 SQM water // Location: Dockside
    Allocation: 605Li // 750L$ per week
    Note: Medium canal depth, motorboat approved, sailboats should be ok but REZ to check.


    Parcel 3:
    1232 SQM: 880 SQM Terrain, 16 SQM Dock, 336 SQM water // Location: Riverside
    Allocation: 605Li // 750L$ per week
    Caution: Limited canal depth, motorboat approved, REZ your sailboat and check your underwater rudder.


    Parcel 4:
    1232 SQM: 1104 SQM Terrain, 128 SQM water // Location: Riverside
    Allocation: 605Li // 750L$ per week
    Caution: Shallow water, REZ your boat and check.


    Parcel 5:
    1360 SQM: 1232 SQM Terrain, 128 SQM water // Location: Forest & beach
    Allocation: 605Li // 750L$ per week
    Note: Forest land and boat slot is split, within 140 meter walking distance.



    After you have rented for 24 hours no refunds will be given, so make sure you CHECK your boat's space!

  2. Nice rectangle parcel with water on two sides (corner)

    Size: 8192 shape: rectangle

    Allotment: 3750Li

    Price: 2284L$ per week

    - 50L$ per week discount for first renter at 2234L$ per week until the end of your rental (May/June promotion)
    - Purchase land at half price, one week included.
    - Purchase three more weeks on the renal box, get another week free.

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dreams of Heaven/252/132/21


  3. 6 hours ago, Chery Amore said:

    This was one of the first comments that I woke up to and read. I see the confused reactions. Do you know or do get why they are reacting that way?  Don't you see that some of these roleplay ... or  "fun and games" scenarios come off as the start of a bad (and illegal) porno?  Or are you just going to cast a broad stroke and say we are all just dirty minded?

    Yes, I believe you know what lines not to cross. But that you even use that sentence at the end says something. You need to re-evaluate how you roleplay or even joke around on the platform.

    You're right. I was completely wrong to use that sentence. Since you compared an unplanned parent kid moment to fun and games and even a porn movie. obviously some don't know where that line is.

  4. 5 hours ago, brodiac90 said:

    then it's tuck in time in my kid bed which only has kid friendly animations. It isn't a PG bed, it's a bed specifically designed for kid avatars. PG furniture is often just adult furniture with the explicit animations removed. 


    Yes my kids had those too. They enjoyed them a lot.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    It's not against the law yet but I do see it not being far off.


    “The black letter law says if you depict a minor engaged in a sexual act, that’s a crime. What’s confusing is what happens when there’s not an actual child involved. Is that going to be illegal, too?” Haynes said. “The Supreme Court said if an actual child is not involved in the creation of this imagery, then that is protected speech. You can do that.”

    No need to shout

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    Do you know what RP is?  It might be a misunderstanding of the definition. 

    Of course I know what roleplay is, and yes my kid is an adult playing a kid. But if I ask my sl wife how her RL doctor's appointment went, or ask my kid how she liked the last cartoon we watched together, or those spontaneous accidents that happen in SL, where we're laughing so hard i drop my tea in real life. Then no, i don't call those moments roleplay. Now since i know what roleplay is, do you know what fun is?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    Ok Imma stop reading and responding to what you say because it weird to associate as a family and not call it RP.  What exactly do you think it is? Reality?

    I beg to differ that only pervs RP being a kid or parent.  

    I've been SL Married for 11 years, and over time I've had several kids, both adult and little, so yes I consider these people my family with a closer connection then i have with my friends, employees and strangers. And yes we even have fights and makeups like a real couple. So why would everything need to be roleplayed? And you are the one turning an innocent event that happened long ago btw into something questionable.

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Theresa Ravenheart said:

    I personally hope LL doesn't budge on the Kids not being allowed on Adult land, because that rule should have always been in place. I do hope that there is a decent solution for the modesty patch, because I don't really see it fixing the problem, it just fixes LL's biggest fear of a reporter or someone getting photos/videos of nude ADULT child avatars doing the nasty with other kid avatars or adults. It's just to protect themselves from that, imo.

    And, they are not "kids", they are adults using child avatars. Can we please stop coddling them on the forums?? They are adults. Coddle them in your private RP, but here, they are adults and should be treated like and talked to as the adults that they are. 

    My kid is just a kid, an i'm a caring mother. We each have our feelings, and we each care for each other, and crazy stuff happens in our house. you just don't (always) RP such things. people also don't get that you don't neceserally RP being a kid or being a mom in SL. Only the pervs do.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    As far as baths go or running around naked at home? You don't have to RP every single thing a child does. You can still have a bath and wear a bathing suit. It's RP where everything is made up.  Pretend they are naked taking a bath. Would you be willing to forgo that particular type of RP if LL changed it so the modesty panel doesn't break you clothing and accessories? If it's just a skin all that is is a BOM covering. It doesn't make your items unable to be used.

    Who says it's RP? We're just having fun

    • Like 1
    • Confused 4
  10. I skipped out on some 90 pages, and I could go on replying to everything I see, and I even might still reply. But to conclude my stance and trying to convince non believers:

    If LL deems it necessary then of course i'll keep my nickers on, and of course my kids will wear a nudity patch (let's call a cow a cow), and they'll stay away from A-land.

    But I do hope that LL will see some reason and valid points in this thread, and remove, or loosen some of these now rules toward leniency. And if not, at least work together with body creators to work on a two layered BOM, or some other invention to minimize the loss of content.

    Also shame on everyone of you who just use this thread to justify your believe with these rules and/or dump on kids because it's either convenient or you don't like the kids/family community.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    Adult avatars are NOT the ones that are mainly soliciting ***p**y. It's the Child avatars. Imagine how many child avatars an adult avi needs to IM to find one that is into that. I imagine a long time. Child avatars know where to seek the adult where that is their knk.

    I don't even know what to say to that. To quote one of my kids "stranger danger"

  12. All things can be seen from a wrong position doesn't mean that they are.

    Giving my kid a bad. Running after them because they don't want to get dressed. Having to take off your shirt because one of them just dropped a bowl of oatmeal on it. Going skinny dipping while one of your kids is in the cabin of your sailboat. and no, they never had any bits. I think we all know where that line is you don't cross, or cross willingly.

    • Confused 2
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