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Lilith Reina

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Posts posted by Lilith Reina

  1. 15 hours ago, Medhue Simoni said:

    Here is the link to some good Bento bone info. Look near the bottom for which bones are affected by sliders.


    Not all the sliders are translated sliders tho, Many only use scaling, which means those bones can be translated without an issues. They aren't labeled which use what tho. I can't really say off the top of my head.


    It is also worth noting, that with Avastar2, currently RC5, you can simply attach the sliders and move the sliders in Avastar, and actually see which bones are moving.

    I run some tests with Avastar, basically all the face bones are involved with the shape sliders apart the tongue. I didn't recognized the bones that use only the scaling, anyway I had confirmation that Lelutka and Catwa anims works good also on the other bento mesh heads because they use translations only for the tongue bones.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Medhue Simoni said:

    Oh, I was just informed that it is possible to have some bones with bone translation, and some bones with only rotation in 1 animation. Seems this was introduced in Avastar2, in RC4. I'll likely try to make 1 today, using the tongue.

    Excellent, do you know which bones is possible to use with translaction please?

  3. 1 minute ago, Medhue Simoni said:

    Well, of course, I'm 1 person, and I haven't tried everything. Using some kind of bind pose feature in Blender or Maya, some of this could be possible, but I have yet to test any of this. I would also question how you know exactly that these are animation with translation? I'd also question whether is it just you seeing the heads working together, verses everyone else seeing EXACTLY what you see. Yeah, bone translation animation might seem to you to "work", but not as likely to work on you from the view of everyone else.

    Well, that kind of anims is impossible to realize only with rotations, especially tongue and lips movements.
    I tried several times to animate the face with Avastar I can see the difference, rotations have huge limits. Perhaps there's a way out there to reset the bones after a transaction movement, I tried to put a frame with zero rotations and translations in the end of the anim but the result is always the same.

  4. 1 minute ago, Medhue Simoni said:

    If I understand your question correctly, then you can't really do this.

    If you are using a Bento head, and you want as many of the sliders to work as possible, then you can not use translation animation, for the most part, besides with bones that are not affected by the sliders. Animation will not fix things when a translation animation is played on these heads. You would need to wear a default body shape, then rightclick/Reset skeleton and animation, and then wear your custom body shape again, to get back to your actual shape.

    I see. Since many anims of different creators use translaction anims without deformation (two of them: Catwa and Lelutka) I though that the solution was close. I'm literally using a Catwa anim with tralsaction on a Lelutka bento head and everything works good, I can go also on the other way around (Lelutka anim on a Catwa head) with no trouble. No default body shape and no reset skeleton, the shape remain the same after the anim. perhaps I miss something in the process.

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